the bishops very upset by the ruling coalition

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is "on the verge of bankruptcy", the Catholic bishops, members of the National Bishops' Conference in Congo (Cenco), are very upset about the coalition in power for twenty months. as reported from Kinshasa, In their announcement published on Monday, October 19, at the end of their plenary session, the prelates black painted the position of the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC) by Joseph Kabila and the Cap pour le Change (CACH) of Félix Tshisekedi. , two coalitions whose tensions,…

Ronald Koeman Oo Niyadjabiyay Jamaahiirta Barcelona Ka Hor

Tababare Ronald Koeman ayaa si dhaqso ah meesha uga saaray hadal kasta oo ku saabsan in Barcelona ay ka mid tahay kooxaha ugu cadcad hanashada Champions League xilli ciyaareedkan.Kooxda Catalans ayaa xilli ciyaareedka cusub ee Champions League waxay habeen danbe ku bilaaban doontaa kulan ay la ciyaarayaan kooxda yar ee Ferencvaros.Laakiin guuldaradii Getafe ka soo gaartay ayaa ka dhigeysa inay xilli ciyaareedka Champions League ku bilaaban doonaan iyagoo niyadjabsan oo weli ay maankooda ka bixin xasuuqii 8-2 ee ka soo gaaray…

US ready to remove Sudan as state sponsor of terror: Trump

U.S. officers say the selection might also set Sudan's steps in direction of establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. US President Donald Trump has acknowledged he was ready to remove Sudan from a US blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism, a key objective for Khartoum, following a compensation deal over earlier assaults. The selection was conditional on Sudan following its settlement to pay $ 335 million to US terror victims and households. The announcement received right here after Finance Minister Stephen…

Daafaca Cusub Ee Arsenal Gabriel Oo Isaga Jilbaha Ku

Daafaca Arsenal Gabriel Magalhaes ayaa celiyay Sergio Aguero isagoo jilbaha ku ordaya habeenkii Sabtida. Weeraryahanka reer Argentina ayaa garoomada ku soo laabtay ka dib muddo dheer uu dhaawac ku maqnaa isagoo ciyaaray in ka badan saacad kulankii ay 1-0 ku badiyeen ee Etihad Stadium ka dhacay. Aguero ayaa ahaa mid aamusan waxaana ugu wacnaa qaab ciyaareedka Gabriel kaasoo Gunners xagaagan kaga soo biiray kooxda Lille isagoo ku soo wareegay heshiis 27 milyan ginni ah. Daafaca reer Brazil ayaa wacdarro ka dhigay…

clashes in Conakry before the end of the official vote count

In Guinea, the preparation of the results of the first round of presidential elections continues. La Cénia recalled that it was the only one authorized to announce the results and warned the candidates, but despite this, clashes broke out in the Guinean capital after Cellou Dalein Diallo claimed victory this afternoon. as…

Xiddigaha U Sharaxan Weeraryahanadii Abid Ugu Fiicnaa Dunida

Inkastoo abaalmarinta caadiga aheyd ee Ballon d’Or aan la bixin doonin sannadkan 2020, hadana waxaa jirta tartan loogu jiro Kooxda Riyada ee Ballon d’Or iyadoo haatan la shaaciyay xiddigaha u sharaxan dhanka weerarka.Maanta oo Isniin ah ayaa la shaaciyay laacibiinta u sharaxan seddexda boos ee weerarka iyadoo ay ka soo muuqdeen xiddigaha ugu magaca weyn dunida sida Lionel Messi, George Best iyo Stanley Mathews.Majalada France Football ayaa shaacisay liiska musharaxiinta iyagoo doonaya inay sameeyaan shax taariikhi ah oo…

Man United Oo Xaqiijisay Shan Xiddig Oo Waa Weyn Oo Ka

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer ayaa xaqiijiyay in Manchester United ay ka maqnaan doonaan shan ciyaaryahan kulanka Champions League ee ay habeen danbe la ciyaarayaan Paris Saint-Germain.Tababaraha ayaa shaaca ka qaaday shir jaraa’id uu goor dhaweyd ku qabtan Paris in Edinson Cavani iyo Mason Greenwood iyo sidoo kale kabtanka United Harry Maguire inay seegi doonaan kulanka ugu horeeya xilli ciyaareedka Champions League.Eric Bailly iyo Jesse Lingard ayaa iyagana laga soo tagay iyagoo ku sugan Manchester.“Haa dhowr ciyaaryahan ayaa inaga…

Raysul wasaare Rooble oo xukuumad cusub caawa magacaabay

Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukumadda Faderaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa caawa ku dhawaaqay liiska golihiisa xukumadda. Wasiirka qaarkood ayaa la soo celiyay,halka kuwa kalana isku shaandhayn lagu sameeyay. Wasiiradda qaarkood ayaa waayay xilalkoodii. Halkaan ka aqri Magacaabista Golaha Wasiiradda

Madaxa Akadeemiga Arsenal Mertesacker Oo Kashifay Sababta Uu

Madaxa akadeemiga Arsenal Per Mertesacker ayaa xaqiijiyay in sababta Mesut Ozil looga saaray kooxda inaysan aheyn qaab ciyaareedkiisa ama tababarkiisa isagoo soo jeediyay inay tahay mid la xiriirta noloshiisa gaarka ah.Kubadsameeyaha Jarmalka oo 32 sanno jir ah ayaa gabi ahaanba waxaa kooxda ka saaray tababare Mikel Arteta bilooyinkii ugu danbeeyay.Ozil ma uusan u ciyaarin Gunners tan iyo kulankii ay 1-0 kaga badiyeen West Ham 7dii bishii March.Xiddigii hore ee Real Madrid ayaa sidoo kale laga reebay liiska xiddigaha Gunners…

“Historical visit” by ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, has been on an official visit to Sudan since Saturday 17 October. This is the first official contact between the authorities following the 2018 revolution and the ICC, and it is an opportunity for Khartoum and the prosecutor to concretely discuss the verdict on the crimes committed under the former leader's regime. of the state of Omar al-Bashir. as reported from Nairobi, "This historic visit is proof of the overall reform of the new Sudan." This…

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