Coronavirus:-Soomaaliya oo kamid noqotay wadamada ugu

Dowladda Jordan ayaa Khamiista maanta ah waxa ay soo saartay liis casriyayn oo ay ku jiraan dhamaan wadamada Caalamka kaas oo u kala saaraya  wadama kuwa Casaan ah, kuwa jaallaha ah iyo kuwa cagaaran marka la eego xaaladda COVID-19 ee waddan kasta oo dunida ka mid ah. Dowladda Jordan ayaa liiskaan uga gol leh in ay hubiso dadka soo galaya dalkeeda si ay ugu samayso baaritaan dheeri ah oo looga hortagayo xanuunka dilaaga ah ee Coronavirsus. Soomaaliya ayaa liiska la soo saaray…

Thomas Partey Oo Jamaahiirta Arsenal Tababarka Ku Tusay

Khadka dhexe ee kooxda Arsenal ahna saxeexoodii maalintii ugu dambaysay suuqii xagaaga ee Thomas Partey ayaa tababarka kooxda ee kahor kulankooda Europe League ee caawa tababarka ku muujiyay waxyaabaha uu soo kordhin karo.Tababare Mikel Arteta ayaa ka bixiyay qish in Thomas Partey uu kulankiisii ugu horreeyay caawa ugu soo bilaaban karo kooxda.Partey ayaa bedel kusoo galay kana soo kacay keydka kulankii ay kooxdiisu guuldarrada kala soo kulantay Manchester City balse waxa uu markii ugu horreysay shaxda koowaad soo gali karaa…

This Is Why Stomach Fats Is Particularly Harmful, Examine Says

A brand new research has linked stomach fats to a better danger of untimely demise. If that wasn't scary sufficient, researchers discovered this causation holds true no matter total physique fats (a.okay.a. no matter the place you're on the traditional to overweight weight vary). Every 10-centimeter improve in stomach fats raised the danger of demise from any trigger by 8% for ladies and by 12% for males. However researchers additionally discovered that bigger…

15 All-Time Worst Meals for Your Physique

They are saying, "you might be what you eat," however no one actually listens. In the event that they did, the burden loss business would look a lot totally different. But with so many treats on grocery cabinets that pack within the energy and the sugar, it may be arduous to withstand these tasty temptations. That is why we made an inventory of the worst meals in your physique, the generic ones that you just should not waste your time on when you're making an…

Wararkii Ugu Dambeeyey Suuqa Iibka Ciyaaryahanadda Ee Maanta Oo

Maalin wanaagsan akhristayaasheena sharafta leh meel kasta oo aad dunida ka joogtaan. In kasta oo uu suuqa iibka ciyaartoydu xidhan yahay, waxa jira warar hoose oo xan ah iyo kuwo si caam ah loo ogyahay oo ay kooxaha waaweyn ee Yurub ku doonayaan ciyaartooyo ay lasoo saxeexdaan bisha January oo uu suuqu dib u furmi doono, waxaana dhaqdhaqaayada ugu dambeeya si joogto ah uga warramaya wargeysyada waaweyn ee dunida.Haddaba, waxa aanu halkan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa wararkii ay saaka oo Khamiis ah qoreen wargeysyada waaweyn,…

Taliyaha Booliska Baladweyne:-Majirto cid banaanbax aan

Ciidamo ka tirsan booliska Magaalada Beledweyne ee Xarunta gobolka Hiiraan ayaa joojiyay banaanbax looga soo horjeeday dhismaha Maamulka Hir-Shabeelle ee ka socda magaaladda Jowhar ee xarunta maamulkaasi. Taliska Booliska Magaalada Beledweyne ayaa waxaa ay faah fahin ka bixiyeen sababaha keenay in ay joojiyaan banaanbaxa ay dadka reer Beledweyne ku muujinayeen sida ay uga soo horjeedaan habka lagu wado dhismaha Hir-Shabelle. Taliyaha Saldhiga Booliska Beledweyne laba Xidigle…

AU forces satisfied to withdraw from Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union Missionary Forces are assured of withdrawing from Somalia inside an inexpensive timeframe as set out within the Somali Transitional Plan , a senior official informed EastAfrican, including that the power is raring to depart the Horn of Africa inside the subsequent 12 months. Amisom spokesman Col Charles Okongo Ambiakha informed The EastAfrican that it might be as much as the UN Safety Council and the African Union Peace and Safety Council to offer steering on the best way ahead…

Lagos flares up, President Buhari’s silence shouts

In Nigeria, President Buhari is silent despite the outbreak of violence in recent days. The day before yesterday, police opened fire on young people demonstrating against police violence in Lagos, killing 10 people, according to Amnesty International. Authorities confirm the deaths of several people without giving exact figures, and the images of the violence have gone viral. On Wednesday, the curfew…

Al-Shabaab bomb assault destroyed in Somalia

BAIDOA, Somalia - Police in Baidoa, the momentary administrative capital of the southwestern United States, worn out a probably lethal assault within the metropolis, authorities mentioned within the newest wave of violence towards militants in search of to overthrow the delicate UN-backed Somalia administration, officers added. Waking law enforcement officials blocked a doable bomb assault after seizing explosive gadgets transported in a Tuk-Tuk the place the suspects are believed to have deliberate an assault…

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