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The Worst Foods for Your Liver, According to Science

How often do you consider your liver while sitting down to dinner? Unless your doctor has specifically told you that you have already been diagnosed with a liver issue—such as bile duct disease, cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, hemochromatosis, Hepatitis C, or Wilson Disease—most of us don't think of our liver too often. Although maybe if you have taken part in binge drinking, you'll crack a joke about a beer being at the expense of your liver. Even still, your liver plays a crucial role in regulating the body's functions.…

A major side effect that your weight gain has on your dog’s health,

Having you at home during the pandemic probably made your dog's tail wag. But while most Americans say they feed their pets better food than ever, new data from a pet insurance company reveals how significantly America's poor eating habits have affected our pets' health over the past year. The animal health insurance company and Fi, the smart dog technology company, conducted a joint survey released this week. Together, they asked nearly 1,000 dog…

The #1 Best Vegetable To Eat, According to a Dietitian

Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts—oh my! These are just a few of the hearty veggies in a larger class of produce called cruciferous vegetables. As a dietitian, I advocate for eating a variety of vegetables. However, if I had to discriminate, the cruciferous vegetables would be my top choice for the best vegetable to eat! These veggies are loaded with nutrients, fiber, and cancer-fighting effects. Cruciferous veggies are loaded with water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Namely, they are packed with vitamin C, A, E,…

15 secrets to lasting weight loss, according to experts

The secret to lasting weight loss is that weight loss begins ... before you eat anything. "The idea that you just have to eat less or exercise more to lose weight is not helpful," he says Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, NYC-based nutrition and health expert and co-author of Sugar shock. "Healthy weight loss involves developing a set of skills to help you decide which foods to eat and your lifestyle habits." There are so many factors that come into play, she says,…

One Major Side Effect Decaf Coffee Has on Your Heart, New Study

You might think caffeinated coffee is not good for your heart health, thanks to effects like the increase in heart rate and higher blood pressure. However, a team of researchers for the American Heart Association recently stirred up some surprising findings about the effects of coffee on the heart—including that decaf coffee leads to a higher risk of one serious heart condition. The American Heart Association recently backed a study that closely examined previously unidentified factors that lead to death from heart disease.…

Diet Habits That Are Wrecking Your Body, According to Dietitians

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy. Eating a healthy diet, moving your body, and getting an adequate amount of sleep are all massively important for your body's physical and mental happiness. However, if you're constantly hearing poor dieting advice straight from toxic diet culture, it can be difficult to decipher what's truly healthy and what's not. That's why we spoke with a few registered dietitians regarding popular diet habits that are completely wrecking your body. While restricting your food…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Too Many Eggs, Says Science

To eat eggs or to not eat eggs? There are plenty of health benefits tied to the food, however, as is the case with most foods—there are also some potential downsides to watch out for. But first, let's start with the positives. Egg yolks contain lutein, which is a type of vitamin called a carotenoid. It's also related to beta-carotene, which has antioxidant properties. The vitamin has been shown to help protect eye health by staving off cataracts and improving symptoms associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).…

20 Worst Foods That Harm Your Weight Loss Goals

Let's face it: weight loss can be difficult. You know you need to eat "healthy" foods, and that includes ditching refined carbohydrates and sugars. But it is a challenge to know what food is actually good for you. Foods with a "health halo" are deceptive and can actually cost hundreds of unwanted calories. At the end of the day, it is important for you to create a calorie deficit in order to finally lose weight. "Not all calories are created equal, where…

This thing can sabotage your success with weight loss, new

If you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, you are not alone. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 17.1% of Americans are on a diet at any given time. But if you do not reach your weight loss goals or find the weight you have recently lost creeps back on, a surprising habit can stand between you and success. A study published on May 24 in the journal Obesity observed 4,305 individuals who had lost an average of 54.5…

The worst way to deal with weight gain in a pandemic, says doctors

If you noticed that you gained some weight during the pandemic, do not worry -You're not alone. According to a recent survey conducted by Google, about 38% of participants found that their eating habits had changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and some of them consumed an average of 1,500 extra calories per day (which can add up to five pounds per month). . If we applied this percentage to all Americans, it would mean that an average of 100 million Americans…

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