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Healthy Eating
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Eating More of This Nutrient Can Reduce Your Kidney Disease Risk,
Not everyone counts their macros to a T, and that's OK—but a new study has found that increasing one basic nutrient in your diet can be a simple way to help you steer clear of something as painful as kidney disease.
We all know it's important to get enough nutrients like healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and lean proteins in our diet each day. We're also aware that not making this a priority can lead to pretty serious problems for our health—especially our key organs that handle some of the body's most important…
One Major Side Effect of Eating Onions, Say Dietitians
How many dinner recipes have you prepared that don't contain onions? Not very many? We thought so. To us, onions (and garlic) are like salt and pepper when it comes to cooking—they don't necessarily stand out as an overwhelming flavor, but they do make any dish taste better.
We're not only fans of onions because they taste good, we're also big fans of their health benefits. What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Onion? A lot of good:
"Onions are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce the risk of…
The #1 Reason You Shouldn’t Be Drinking Wine Every Day
Wine has earned a reputation as a healthy drink, with many amateur sommeliers touting its benefits for blood pressure, heart health, and relaxation. However, there's a fine line between the occasional pour of Pinot and making wine part of your daily routine. If you happen to fall into the daily wine drinker camp, you might just be in for some less than pleasant side effects in terms of your overall health and wellbeing. Before you break out that corkscrew, read on to discover the number one reason you shouldn't drink wine…
The Most Iconic Desserts in America
As Americans, we are serious about our sweets. Whether desserts are chocolatey or fruity, simple or decadent, our country loves sugar in almost any form. But what are the most iconic desserts the United States has to offer?
We looked into American history to find out which desserts truly make up the United States' culinary story (spoiler alert: many of them are Southern). Here are a few of the sweets that are popular across the land, from sea to shining sea. Just don't be surprised if you have a hankering for a baked treat…
What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Champagne
Whether you're toasting to a new year, a new job, an anniversary, or an engagement, bubbly is without a doubt the most popular drink of choice for celebratory occasions. But what happens to your body when you drink champagne? While it causes many of the same consequences as white wine, champagne also has a few unique effects that experts want you to know about.
"If you are going to be consuming alcohol, champagne may be a healthier choice compared to other drinks that are much higher in calories and alcohol content," says…
Surprising Side Effects Apples Have On Your Immune System, Says
When it comes to convenient and nourishing snacks, you can't beat an apple. It's a satiating option you can grab on your way out the door to run errands, or throw into your lunch bag for work. Fortunately, apples are also available year-round in the U.S. and loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants—all the nutrients your body needs to fend off viruses and other infections and ailments.
So, does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? The jury is still out on that one, but 2015 research showed that a…
These Are the Worst Types of Coffee for Your Heart Health,
If you're reading this while you're sipping a coffee, here's something to make you think: A new study has assessed the blood lipid levels of individuals, depending on their amount of daily coffee intake. It turns out that certain patterns of coffee consumption—and certain coffee orders—have cardiovascular consequences that may make you want to examine the way you take that brew.
Australia may have given us the flat white as a beverage, but researchers there are also serving up important new insights about how coffee affects…
One Major Side Effect of Eating Too Quickly, Says New Study
Maybe you're grabbing a quick bite to eat while rushing from one errand to the next, or having a meal that's so familiar you start wolfing it down without even realizing it. Whatever your need for speed, new research in Clinical Obesity suggests you might be putting yourself at much higher risk for weight gain.
Researchers looked at two different studies on adults and children to determine whether there are associations between higher body mass index (BMI), the number of siblings you have, and where you are in the birth…
The #1 Unhealthiest Way to Eat Bananas, According to a Dietitian
If your favorite fruit is a banana, you're not the only one. Bananas are the most consumed fruit in America, according to Statista—a staple of 59% of survey respondents' diets. It's no surprise why, really. This tropical fruit offers a myriad of health benefits that range from promoting muscle recovery, supporting gut health, and fueling your body with tons of natural energy.
With all the good of this popular food, it's hard to comprehend that there can be any bad. But as is the case with any food, how much you eat and how…
6 Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation You Shouldn’t Ignore, Say
Inflammation may just be one of the most dreaded terms in the health world right now. While inflammation naturally occurs after a foreign or harmful substance enters the body, through an open wound, for instance, long-lasting inflammation can eventually cause several diseases and conditions later down the road.
Acute vs. chronic inflammation
"Acute inflammation is the body's way of protecting itself, like when you get a fever when you get sick or even redness around a pimple," says Alexandra Sowa, MD, dual-board certified…