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Healthy Eating

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The Worst Food To Eat Before a Workout, Says Dietitian

Fueling your muscles properly before and after a workout is vital for your body's overall health—especially when it comes to building more muscle and increasing your metabolic rate. But if you're not careful with the type of food you have before a workout, it could make your workout less efficient—which is why it's important to learn what is the worst food to eat before a workout, so you don't have to make that mistake before your sweat sesh. "The worst thing to eat would be any fried food," says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD,…

10 Weight Loss Dinners That Actually Satisfy, Say Dietitians

When you're trying to shed pounds, the smartest mealtime strategy you can adopt is eating foods that are going to fill you up. Needless to say, a plate of undressed salad simply isn't going to cut it—but fortunately, we rounded up a bevy of dietitian-approved weight loss dinners that actually satisfy. Not only are they tasty enough to squash any craving, but they're packed with all the nutrients your body needs for energy: protein, fiber, and healthy fats. "Protein and fiber take longer to digest so you feel full longer,…

The One Breakfast Trick for a Flat Belly All Day, Say Experts

Even if there are weight loss programs that say you need to skip breakfast in order to slim down, many experts agree that the one breakfast strategy to lose weight and get a flat belly is to actually eat breakfast, not skip it. Studies have observed that people who eat a protein- and/or fiber-rich breakfast regularly tend to have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) and consume fewer calories later in the day. Another trial published in the Journal of Nutrition offered another reason to eat every morning. Researchers found that…

One Surprising Effect Coffee Has on Your Hair, According to a

We probably don't have to list one more reason for you to love coffee—but, like your brew, this one is strong. A board-certified dermatologist has shared a huge beauty perk that comes with a good cup of coffee, and this one goes for guys, too. We've got the trick for trying it. As coffee is the most-consumed beverage in the world next to water, recent studies have found plenty of reasons to hold your morning cup a little closer: Coffee can beneficial to your liver, your longevity, even your plants. And, since so much of…

6 Best Ways to Make Bacon—Using Only Plants

"But what about bacon?!?!?" This is a very common question and concern from people considering reducing or eliminating meat from their diet. But rest assured, you can still enjoy your favorite foods and flavors, made plant-based. Plant-based bacon will not exactly replace the meaty, fatty, porky flavor of bacon—but it doesn't have to. Using eggplant, mushrooms, rice paper, and soy products will allow you to recreate and enjoy the essence and texture of bacon without the unhealthy baggage associated with pork bacon. This…

This Shocking Baking Ingredient Caused 400 People to Fall Sick at

The thought of food poisoning tends to make you think about poultry (like this Salmonella-contaminated supermarket chicken), eggs, maybe some spoiled dairy products. Recent reports continue to show that there's still a lot for many of us to learn about preventing food poisoning. That seems true from one new update, as 400 people were hospitalized after consuming an ingredient you probably don't associate with foodborne illness. The India Times recently reported that 400 people in Delhi simultaneously raced to seek medical…

One Food to Give Up to Get Rid of Belly Fat, Says Science

Belly fat isn't like any other fat—it's worse. Scientists have found that belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is the most harmful type of fat. In fact, high levels of belly fat increase your risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, insulin resistance, and even certain cancers, according to the experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine. While exercising is one of the best ways to shrink your belly fat and improve your cardiovascular health, your diet also plays a big role in the size of your waistline. Following a healthy diet…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Potatoes, Say Dietitians

When you think of potatoes, you might not think of them as a superfood. But that's if you're thinking of chips (one of the foods most closely linked to weight gain), fries, or loaded mashed potatoes. But in their purest form, they are an excellent source of nutrients. "Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is linked to immunity, synthesis of collagen for skin and tissue strength and elasticity, protection from cell-damaging free radicals and iron absorption," says Beth Stark, RDN, LDN, a registered dietitian…

What Happens To Your Brain When You Drink Soda

Soda has a deservedly bad reputation when it comes to your health. It's been implicated as a contributing factor to tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity, among numerous other health issues. However, many people don't realize the staggering effects soda consumption may have on your brain. From your mental health to your cognition, read on to discover the effects soda can have on your brain, according to experts. And if you want to improve your diet in a hurry, check out The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.…

One Surprising Effect of Living Near Fast Food Restaurants, Says

If you live in an area that has far more fast food options than fresh food or grocery stores, are you more likely to struggle with weight gain? Although that's been the theory for the past few years, a new study in the International Journal of Obesity is questioning that assumption. First, here's how that idea got started: Research published in 2017 about children and weight gain noted that kids living near fast-food restaurants are more likely to gain a significant amount of weight compared to those living further away.…

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