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Healthy Eating
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Jennifer Aniston Has Started Eating This Food for the First Time
Jennifer Aniston is one of the most timelessly glowing stars of our time. Jen is open about her commitment to self-care, feeling great, and staying in shape… but, at 52, exactly how does she stay looking so good? For years, word had it that Aniston banned one particular food from her diet and practiced serious willpower. But, she recently revealed something you might be able to relate to: She's finally letting herself enjoy it again.
Keep reading to learn which food Jennifer Aniston has started allowing back on her plate.…
One Major Effect of Taking CBD Supplements, Says Expert
It's a rare moment when you're on social media without seeing something about CBD supplements, or when you can listen to a podcast without the hosts pitching the benefits of the gummies or other supplements. In the past few years, CBD supplements have become all the rage, with their ever-growing popularity being marketed all over the internet. But is it worth the hype?
CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is a chemical found in the cannabis sativa plant, but the chemical can also be taken from hemp plants. Unlike smoking pot,…
One Major Side Effect of Drinking Too Much Coffee, New Study Says
Lately, it seems like study after study has confirmed the health benefits of coffee. (One of the latest? Coffee is even good for your immunity.) However, a group of public health and psychiatry researchers in Australia have just discovered something important when it comes to coffee's effects on the brain—including dementia. Their findings also highlighted something important for non-coffee drinkers.
Keep reading…and check out One Major Side Effect of Drinking Your Coffee Before Breakfast, Expert Says.
They set…
Secret Side Effects of Drinking Soda, Says Science
It's safe to say that drinking soda on a regular basis may not be the best choice for our overall health. Soft drinks have been known to increase risk of certain cancers, negatively affect our liver, and lead to weight gain from excess sugar. According to the CDC, excessive sugar intake can not only lead to obesity and weight gain, but can also lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
If that's not enough to convince us that slowing down on the sodas may be a good idea, what about the not-so-well-known downsides of…
Best Supplements For Better Focus, According to Dietitians
Whether you find yourself having trouble keeping your mind on a task at work or struggle to stay engaged when you're participating in your favorite leisure activities, practically everyone has found themselves wishing they were more focused from time to time. (And it might not be your fault—you could also look to these 7 Foods That Kill Your Focus.)
Fortunately, you don't need to completely revamp your daily habits to enjoy better attention and productivity.
With the help of registered dietitians, we've rounded up the best…
One Major Effect of Eating Fiber-Rich Foods, Says Expert
More whole grains, smaller waist? That's one of the findings in a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, which looked at how consumption of both whole grains and highly refined grains influenced five major risk factors of heart disease:
Waist size
Blood pressure
Blood sugar
Triglyceride level
HDL ("good") cholesterol amount
Researchers used data from a major heart study that's been in progress since the 1970s and looked at 3,100 participants who supplied nutritional info and heart-related health markers for…
Best Supplements for Your Metabolism, According to Experts
If you think your metabolism is only responsible for how much you weigh, you're selling it short. It actually encompasses the entire process of converting food into energy to keep you functioning—and it operates 24/7, even when you're sleeping.
For that reason, you can't exclusively blame a slow metabolism for weight gain. How much you eat and drink, how physically active you are, as well as what you're consuming are key factors. That said, according to the Mayo Clinic, some factors outside of your control (like genetic…
The #1 Best Food to Eat to Reduce Inflammation, Says Dietitian
Is it really possible to pick one food to eat to reduce inflammation? Not exactly, according to Toby Smithson, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES, FAND, Diabetes Lifestyle Expert with DiabetesEveryDay and author of Diabetes Meal Planning and Nutrition for Dummies.
"It is hard to pick just one food as the best food to reduce inflammation," says Smithson. "Reducing inflammation is an overall diet approach which follows the Mediterranean Diet guidelines. To be more specific, that is an eating plan that is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts,…
Following This Diet Could Alleviate Your Menopause Symptoms, New
A plant-based diet rich in soy can have a significant effect on one of the most frustrating menopause symptoms, according to a study in the journal Menopause.
Researchers recruited 38 women going through menopause who were having two or more hot flashes per day. Although they're often brief—usually between 30 seconds and 10 minutes—these hot flashes can interfere with sleep and everyday activities. One large, multinational study on the issue found that frequent hot flashes can severely impair quality of life.
Side Effects of Eating Chicken, Says Science
Chicken is one of the most versatile forms of high-quality protein, which is why it's commonly found in so many recipes. From being baked in the oven to grilled and put on top of a salad or in a sandwich, eating chicken can be a healthy (and versatile) protein choice. But, at the same time, it can be fried or layered with cheese and not so healthy, too.
Even though the preparation is crucial to making the healthiest choices, it's possible your chicken could be sabotaged before it even makes its way into your kitchen or onto…