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Healthy Eating

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Olympians Reveal What the Food Is Like in Olympic Village

The Olympic Games usually bring to mind athletic physiques, healthy bodies, and strict nutritional guidelines for peak performance. But the amount of food the Olympic Village dining halls provide for their visiting athletes is absolutely mind-blowing. It's become the food court many of us can only construe in our dreams, offering every type of cuisine you can imagine, from junk food (Big Macs, churros, doughnuts), to Asian, Indian, Mexican, and Italian cuisines, to even regional delicacies from the hosting city (Lillehammer,…

The One Food That Olympians Refuse to Eat When Training

Athletes require proper nutrition to help them fuel and recover from the hours worth of physical training they put in every single day in preparation for the Olympic Games. With such intentional dietary choices, this means there are several indulgences they admittedly steer clear of in the midst of their training. Sure, there are times where Olympians crave something sweet, like a sugary cereal or even candy—they're human after all! But, based on several interviews over the years, it's clear that Olympic athletes from all…

This Juice Has More Than 300% of the Vitamin C You Need Each Day,

It's always fun to discover an easy, new addition to your diet that could deliver big health benefits. That may be the case for a particular kind of fresh fruit juice that a team of scientists have noted is so powerful, they're working to make it more available to you year-round. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, scientists at the University of Georgia's Department of Food Science and Technology have been looking into the potential benefits of products made from watermelons and cantaloupe. Specifically, they…

The #1 Best Supplement for Metabolism, Says Doctor

When it comes to pursuing a healthy lifestyle, we hear a lot of talk about metabolism. This is just the process of turning what we consume into energy for our bodies, so having a "fast" metabolism helps us burn calories at a quicker rate. There are many lifestyle factors that may slow your metabolism, like not eating enough food, not exercising, or having poor sleeping habits. But if you have regular eating patterns, exercise on a regular basis, sleep well at night, and still find yourself having trouble burning calories,…

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Sweet Tea, Says Dietitian

Though there are many different types of tea—black, green, white, oolong, herbal tea, and so forth—to people who grew up or are living in the southern United States, there's one kind that has a special place in their hearts: sweet tea. Sweet tea refers to iced tea made with sugar—and plenty of it! The history of sweet tea shows that it became a popular summertime with the invention of refrigeration in the warmer climate of the south. However, people now consume sweet iced tea throughout the year. Even though drinking sweet…

Popular Foods That Are Ruining Your Sleep, Says Science

We've all been there: you feel exhausted, but you just can't fall asleep. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours, and before you know it, you wake up bleary-eyed, feeling terrible, and not at all ready to face the day. When it comes to how well you sleep, it's not just the amount of activity you get on a particular day or how badly you want to rest that makes a difference—many of the foods you're eating on a regular basis could be seriously impairing your sleep too. If you want to get better rest starting…

Popular Foods With More Vitamin E Than Almonds

While vitamin E isn't as talked about as much as some of the other ones including vitamins A, C, D, it doesn't mean it's less important. In fact, vitamin E can help protect your cells from oxidative stress and may even protect your skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet light. Almonds are perhaps one of the richest sources of vitamin E, containing about 7.3 milligrams of it per one-ounce serving, which is just under 50% of the daily value for adults (15 milligrams). Below, we've compiled a list of four foods that…

Every Single Olympic Athlete Swears By This One Healthy Food

While there are many healthy foods an Olympic athlete incorporates into their diet while training to keep both their mind sharp and body in tip-top shape, there is one food that stands out among several athletes. It's the ever-trendy, light yet satiating, vitamin-packed fruit: the avocado. Avocados are packed with monounsaturated fats that are key for repairing muscles, as well as electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium that can help activate the muscles and prevent them from cramping. The fruit also packs fiber and…

Best Supplements for Men, According to Experts

When it comes to men's health, eating well and maintaining a regular exercise schedule are great ways to pursue a healthy lifestyle at any age. But sometimes it's okay if we need an extra boost in the form of vitamins or supplements. Finding supplements for men has a lot to do with keeping testosterone levels up. According to Anthony Capasso, MD, "maintaining healthy levels of testosterone is critical to men's health through all stages of life." Testosterone is important for many reasons, including heart health, memory and…

Secret Effects of Drinking Green Tea, Says Science

Tea, in all of its varieties, is well-known as being one of the healthiest beverages you can have. In fact, besides water, it's the second most widely-consumed beverage throughout the world and is well-touted for its numerous benefits. Green tea, in particular, is well known for having a few incredibly health benefits—but have you heard of these secret effects of drinking green tea before? While green tea is regularly used as a caffeine-filled way to wake up or as a social drink in many cultures, there are a few other health…

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