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Son Heung-min signs a new contract until 2025

Tottenham's forward Son Heung-min has signed a new four-year contract with the club, which will keep him in north London until 2025.Son, 29, joined Spurs from Bayer Leverkusen in August 2015 and has scored 107 goals and made 64 assists in 280 games in all competitions since then. He has developed into one of the Premier League's finest players in his time and reached the Champions League final with the club in 2019.Son said of the confirmation: "It was already a great honor to play here for six years, the club has shown me…

Kane to Man City for £ 160 million was denied

Tottenham have claimed they have no plans to sell Harry Kane this summer - despite reports that Manchester City have agreed a £ 160m transfer for the England captain.There is no indication that Chairman Daniel Levy has invoked his position regarding the sale of Kane.90min has learned that there is no agreement right now, although Kane and his people continue to push hard for a move away from north London. A transfer has been in Kane's planning for a number of months, with Spurs unable to challenge for major trophies.Doubts…

Arsenal Oo Halbawle Ka Baxayo, Afar Xiddig Oo Ay City Ku Bedelanayso

Harry Kane ayaa iskaga tagaya Tottenham oo Man City ugu biiraya 160 Milyan oo pound oo ah rekoodhka Premier League isaga oo mushahar ahaan u qaadan doona £400,000 noqonayana xiddiga ugu mushaharka badan horyaalka. (Sun)City ayaa diyaar u ah inay Gabriel Jesus, Riyad Mahrez iyo mid ahaan Bernardo Silva ama Raheem Sterling ugu bandhigto Tottenham heshiiska ay kaga doonayso Kane. (FourFourTwo)Spurs ayaa xiisaynaysa daafaca Atalanta ee Cristian Romero waxaana ay ka gudbiyeen dalab 34 Milyan oo pound ah oo lagu daray 8 Milyan oo…

Wijnaldum wants Pogba at PSG

Georginio Wijnaldum has admitted that he would love for Paul Pogba to join him in Paris Saint-Germain.Pogba has not yet agreed on the terms of a new deal at Old Trafford and is thought to have rejected the Red Devils' latest offer of £ 350,000 a week.Wijnaldum and Pogba have met many times before on the pitch / Pool / Getty ImagesWith only one year left on their current contract, United have now accepted that they must sell the World Cup winner for a price fee this summer to avoid the risk of losing him on a free transfer…

The complete guide to the 2021/22 season

Chelsea will begin their defense of the Super League title for women with a trip to Arsenal on the first day of the 2021/22 season.Emma Hayes' side want to defend their crown after a hotly contested title race with Manchester City last season and follow up their tough match against the Gunners with a home match against Everton and a trip to Manchester United - which is about to appoint Marc Skinner as its new boss.Elsewhere. City trips to Everton on opening day - which will be postponed to September 3-5 due to a new TV…

WAR CAD: Madaxweynaha Barcelona Ee Joan Laporta Oo Si Cad U Sheegay

Madaxweynaha kooxda Barcelona ee Joan Laporta ayaa si toos ah u caddeeyay in weeraryahanka kooxda ee Antoine Griezmann uu yahay mid suuqa laga heli karo oo iib ah.Kooxda Catalan-ka ah ayaa badhtamaha kaga jirta xaalad dhaqaale oo adag waxaana ay ku dhibtoonaysaa inay dirto qaar kamida ciyaaryahanadeeda si ay u xaqiijiyaan in loo diiwaan geliyo saxeexyada cusub sidoo kalena heshiis cusub uga saxeexdaan Lionel Messi.Griezmann ayaa ah ciyaaryahanka ugu muhiimsan ee ay doonayaan inay iska fasaxaan xagaagan sababtoo ah inuu…

I Fasaxa!! – Xiddig Chelsea Ah Oo Wacdarro Kusoo Dhigay Euro Oo Kooxda

Daafaca bidix ee kooxda Chelsea ahna mid kamida xiddigihii xulka Talyaaniga kusoo hoggaamiyay Euro 2020 ee Emerson Palmieri ayaa lagu soo warramayaa inuu kooxdiisa ka codsaday in la iska fasaxo.Shabakadda ree Talyaani ee ayaa sheegaysa in Emerson uu Blues u sheegay inuu bixitaan doonayo xilli uu xiiso ka helayo kooxda Napoli.Heshiiska uu Emerson Palmieri kula joogo Chelsea ayaa ah mid dhacaya xagaaga dambe ee 2022 balse kooxda ayaa haysata dookha ay 12 bilood oo kale ku kordhin karto waana halka ay…

Famous football players who have won a gold medal

Football debuted at the 1900 Olympics and has been featured in virtually every edition of the Games since then, appearing only briefly in 1932 when it was hosted in Los Angeles.For decades, the Olympics were only for amateur competitors and football was no exception. Great Britain was dominant in the early years, while Uruguay won back-to-back tournaments in the 1920s before the introduction of the world's first World Cup ever in 1930.But with domestic football becoming more professional in more and more countries, Eastern…

XOG URURIN: Kooxaha Premier League Ugu Caansan Oo Lasoo Saaray, Kooxda

Kooxda Manchester United ayaa lagu sheegay inay tahay mida ugu caansan dhammaan kooxaha Premier League sida lagu ogaaday xog ururin laga sameeyay baadhitaanada lagu sameeyo mareegta Google oo uu ku sameeyay shaqsiga lagu magacaabo William Hill.Guulaha caanimada ee Red Devils ayaa ahaa kuwo mudo dheer soo jiray haatan waxaana ay u muuqdaan kuwo mudo kale sii fadhiyaya figta ugu sarreysa iyadoo warbixino hore loogu xaqiijiyay ahaanshaha kooxda guud ahaan caalamka ugu magaca weyn.Sida uu baadhistan ku sheegay Mr Hill, Man…

Griezmann, Coutinho Iyo Ousmane Dembele – Magacyada SAGAAL Oo Kale Oo

Kooxda kubadda cagta Barcelona ayaa sii wadaysa hawl-galkeedii ahaa in ay iibiso ciyaaryahannada waaweyn ee kooxda si ay meel ugu bannayso saxeexyadii cusbaa, isla markaana hoos ugu dhigto mushaharkeeda oo illaa kala-badh iyo ka badan laga doonayo inay dhinto intii ay xilli ciyaareedkii hore bixisay.LaLiga ayaa ku wargeliyey Barcelona in aanay u diiwaangelin doonin Lionel Messi iyo saxeexyadii cusbaa ee ay samaysay kooxdu xagaagan, illaa ay soo gasho xayndaabka aanay ka gudbi karin ee laynka mushaharka ee loo jeexay, taas oo…

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