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Harvey Elliott replaces Shaqiri

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp is ready to keep young winger Harvey Elliott at the club as a replacement for the lost Xherdan Shaqiri.Shaqiri has publicly acknowledged his desire to leave Liverpool this summer after spending three seasons as a reserve, with Lazio tipped to offer the 29-year-old an escape route in the coming weeks.Shaqiri wants out of Liverpool / Quality Sport Images / Getty ImagesLiverpool are ready to download Shaqiri and their other front players, Divock Origi and Takumi Minamino, and according to The…

Rashford wants shoulder surgery

Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford is leaning towards the idea of ​​undergoing shoulder surgery, which has plagued him since November.England's international has been dealing with the issue for the past nine months but has struggled in recent weeks and has considered finally going under the knife to address the issue.Rashford needed painkillers to get through last year / Michael Steele / Getty ImagesRashford has now returned from his Euro 2020 holiday and is ready to return to United, where he will discuss his options…

Waa Kuma Xiddiga Mustaqbalka Fiican Ku Leh Barcelona Balse Keydka Lagu

Madaxweynaha kooxda Barcelona ee Joan Laporta ayaa ah mid nadiifinaya qaskii dhaqaale xumo ee uu kooxda kaga tagay shaqsigii ka horreeyay ee Josep Maria Bartomeu halka uu sidoo kale wado heshiis cusub oo uu ka saxeexo Lionel Messi balse dhibaatooyinka kooxda ayaa intaas ku ekayn.Taas ayaa ka dhigan inay jirto halis cusub oo dhab ah oo ay kooxdu ku waayi karto mid kamida xiddigaha ugu hibada badan ee kuliyada La Masia kasoo najaxay.Wakhtigani waa wakhtigii ay ahayd in Barca ay casharada wax ka baran lahayd ee ay xiddigaha uga…

Qiimaha Dhabta Ah Ee Ay Man United Ku Heshay Raphael Varane Oo Layaab

Kooxda Manchester United ayaa dhigeeda Real Madrid heshiis buuxa kala gaadhay saxeexa daafaca dhexe ee ree France ee Raphael Varane iyadoo kaliya heshiiskaas ay ka hadhsan tahay in si rasmi ah loo shaaciyo.Manchester ayaa heshay daafac dhexe oo ahaa mid kamida boosaska ay doonaysay inay inta ugu badan iska xoojiso gudaha suuqa xagaagan iyagoo kaddib saxeexiisa u dhaqaaqi doona bar-tilmaameedyada kale ee ay isha ku hayaan.Haddaba, kaddib isfahamka labada dhinac dhex maray ayay dhammaan saxaafada England gaar ahaan kuwa…

Ronaldinho Oo Ku Taliyey In Barcelona Meel Iska Dhigto No.10 Oo Aan

Halyeyga reer Brazil ee Ronaldinho ayaa kula taliyey kooxdiisii hore ee Barcelona in ay hawlgab ka dhigto lambarka 10 ee uu hadda xidho Lionel Messi, isaguna uu uga sii horreeyey, kaas oo ay sidoo kale xidheen ciyaartooyo waaweyn sida Diego Maradona iyo Rivaldo.Barcelona ayaa dhowaan heshiis cusub la saxeexatay Lionel Messi xilli uu dhamaaday qandaraaskiisa hore, waxaanay soo afjartay toddobaadyo hubanti la’aan ah oo kabtanka reer Argentina uu ahaa ciyaartoy aan ka tirsanayn Barcelona.Arrinta kaliya ee Barca u taalla ayaa ah…

WARBIXIN: Hawl-galkii Ay Real Madrid Samaysay Xalay, Xiddiga Weyn Ee

Real Madrid ayaa xalay heshiis la gaadhay Manchester United oo ay ka iibisay difaaceeda Raphael Varane oo ay ku beddelatay 50 milyan oo Euro, waxaanu heshiiskaasi dhacay xilli uu laacibkani ku riixay kooxdiisa in ay iibiyaan maadaama uu diiday inuu saxeexo qandaraas cusub xilli 11 bilood oo kali ahi ka hadhsan yihiin dhamaadka heshiiskii uu kula jiray Madrid.Isla markii uu heshiiskani dhacay, Real Madrid ayaa qaadday tallaabo ay kaga farxinayso taageereyaasheeda, waxaanay indhaha ku jeedisay laacibka ay muddada dheer…

Maxay Ahaayeen Ereyadii Dhul-gariirka Ahaa Ee Uu Varane Ku Yidhi Real

Manchester United ayaa heshiis la gaadhay Real Madrid oo ay £42 milyan oo Gini kaga iibsatay difaaca reer France ee Raphael Varane oo ay horeba ula sii gaadhay heshiis shaqsi ah, taas oo soo afjartay toddobaadyo wada-hadal iyo hadal-hayn ahaa.28 jirkan ayaa la sheegay in uu kooxdiisa Real Madrid ku qasbay in ay iibiyaan xagaagan, isagoo u sheegay in aanu u saxeexi doonin heshiis cusub oo uu si bilaash ah kaga tegi doono sannad kaddib marka uu dhamaado qandaraaskiisu.United ayaa Real Madrid u shubaysa lacag kaash ah oo…

Everton released update on new stadium

Everton have released a detailed update on the status of their new stadium, after officially taking over Bramley-Moore Dock on Monday. The club bought the sight last year and intends to build a new stadium of 50,000+ capacity there, which they hope will be in operation during the Premier League 2024/25 season. They are now the official owners of the bridge, and Everton's stadium development manager Colin Chong has issued fans a comprehensive update of the situation via their official website. There is a lot - almost 900…

Things to know about the Real Madrid star

There is not much positive for Real Madrid to take from their sad defeat against Rangers at Ibrox. Zinedine Zidane will try to block a performance from his memory, while Marcelo will have the world out as we talk and try to find the longest he can get away from Ryan Kent and Scott Wright. For youngster Miguel Gutierrez, however, it was another day to remember in the famous white shirt. The 19-year-old is making a name for himself at the Bernabeu, and although he may just be their third choice left-back when everyone is in…

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