clarification of measures against Covid-19

Gabon has eased its curfew against Covid-19, and the authorities have also allowed, under several conditions, the reopening of places of worship.

as reported from Libreville,

Gabonese are happy about the easing of the curfew, which now begins at. 22 instead of kl.

In addition, the government has announced the reopening of churches and mosques, a reopening with many conditions: only one day of worship per. Week a negative Covid test is required to attend a worship service, and offerings and communion are prohibited. Failure to comply with these measures will result in a fine of FCFA 5 million.

Pastor Georges Bruno Ngoussi of Nazareth Church is one of the religious leaders who threatened to open his church on October 25 with or without state permission. After the government’s announcement, he said he was disappointed: “I am very, very sad, but I also say that on October 25, we will open our places of worship”. To the threat of payment of 5 million FCFA, he adds: “Either people want 5 million or so, the prisons will be wide open to accommodate all the Christian or believing populations”.

Demanded by national television, Youssouf Nziengui, a member of Gabon’s Higher Council of Islamic Affairs, is fairly satisfied.

“It is a big step to have opened our mosques. We thank the authorities for this development, “he said.

Christians will still open their churches on October 25, but the government has warned that these measures will not take effect until October 30.


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