African culture: the December meetings

Where will the most important meetings in African culture take place during this month of December? There are nine suggestions. Do not hesitate to send your “essentials” to

In Cameroon, from 1 to 5 December, Festi7, the second international poetry festival in Yaoundé’s seven hills, will be held. Under the theme Together for Life, it is a tribute to poetry: “Poets carry within them the breath of the word, and their words are new winds that blow to fill the lungs of humanity. “

On December 2, the winner of the Prix Goncourt des lycéens, traditionally one of the best-selling literary prizes in France, will be announced. Among the six finalists is Cameroonian author DjaïliAmadou Amal. Her novel Les Impatientes (editions of Emmanuelle Colla) is inspired by her own life and deals with very sensitive topics such as forced marriage and polygamy through three Fulani women.

The 8th Palaver Tree examines African film from different angles. This online forum, organized by the Tarifa-Tangier African Film Festival (December 4 to 13) in Spain, brings together industry professionals, festival programmers, students and the general public to also discuss the impact of the pandemic on cinema. The sessions will benefit from simultaneous translation into different languages ​​and will also be available on the FCATYouTubed channel. However, the film festivals will only be available to stream from Spain.

From December 4, Galerie CécileFakhouryouvre in DakarI have this memory, it is not my own. A group exhibition featuring artists MariamAbouzidSouali, JessAtieno, Binta Diaw, Adji Dieve and Rahima Gambo as part of the 9th edition of the Partcoursquicherche Festival until 13 December to bring together the best professional art spaces in the Senegalese capital.

Dubrék Theater Festival was founded by journalist, actor and director Hassane Hilal Sylla and strives to be the most important event for classical and contemporary live performances in Guinea. From 7 to 13 December, the third edition will transform Dubrékade into a new city theater, with its architectural heritage as a multitude of representations.

Rendez-vous in Congo, from 8 to 12 December 2020, for the sixth edition of FestivalBoyaKobina, a modern dance festival directed by Congolese dancer and choreographer DelavalletBidiefonose will take place at Espace Baning’Art, in the Kombé district and at the French Institute of Brazzaville.

As of December 15, the Ghanaian artist and Golden Lion of Venice, ElAnatsui, opens with his carte blanche In Quest of Freedom at the Conciergerie de Paris at the 2020 African season and has more than 200 events in France to watch and understand the “world” from an African point of view, this is also the artist’s first solo exhibition in France.

On December 15, the large exhibition Kinshasa Chroniques will also open at the Cité d ‘architecture et du patrimoine in Paris. 70 artists from Kinshasa make their fantasies vibrate to make us hear the creative energy and foundation of the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A collective artistic work in the form of chronicles.

From the 18th to the 23rd of December, the 31st edition of Carthage Cinematographic Days will take place in Tunis. JCC is led this year by the Tunisian director and producer RidhaBehi: “because we love life, we will go to the cinema”.

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