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Congo Brazzaville

UDH-Yuki’s two opposing camps, Koléla’s party,

The votes remain divided within the Union of Humanist Democrats (UDH-Yuki), the political formation of the opponent Guy-Brice Parfait Kolélas, who died a year ago. Since his disappearance, the party cadres have torn apart. As a result, the party has not yet…

Guy-Brice Parfait Kolélas still not buried in five months

The Congolese opponent officially died the day after the March 21, 2021 presidential election, of which he was a candidate. But a disagreement within his family, especially when he died, would be the basis for the blocking of funeral procedures. In recent days, a date has been raised on social networks for the funeral of Guy-Brice Perfect Kolélas September 10, but this provoked the reaction of part of the family to the Congolese politician based in Paris who, according to a statement, opposed this date. It highlights…

The Corniche de Brazzaville road was reopened

In Congo-Brazzaville, one of the capital's beautiful roads has reopened, a year and a half after it was closed. This is the ledge bordering the Congo River, a part that had collapsed after heavy rains. It had been closed to traffic and has just reopened, to the delight of users. as reported from Brazzaville, Loïcia…

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