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Headline: African Aspirations for the Paris Olympics

Anticipation for Paris Olympics Amid African Hopes and Challenges The Paris Olympics aren’t grabbing big headlines in the continental press just yet. Enthusiasm will likely balloon once African athletes pocket some medals. Nevertheless, the talk of the town circles around the Olympics on Seneplus. The Senegalese news portal buzzes with "adrenaline rush," stating, "excitement is mushrooming in Paris (...) as about a hundred world leaders will grace the opening ceremony by the Seine." “Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye…

Two Opponents Vanish in Guinea: FNDC Denounces One Case

FNDC Reacts to Government's Comments FNDC Decries Government's Stance on Missing Activists The now-defunct National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC), which disbanded in 2022, has vehemently responded to the statements made by the spokesperson of the Government of Guinea regarding the disappearance of two prominent figures, Fonikè Menguè and Mamadou Billo Bah. These two notable leaders played significant roles within FNDC. Sekou Koundouno, an outspoken member of FNDC, declared, "The…

Guinea: Pivotal Deal on Infrastructure Development

Major Iron Ore Project Simandou Moves Forward with Infrastructure Plans Nestled in the south-eastern quadrant of Guinea lies the colossal Simandou iron ore deposit. This venture’s champions recently made a pact to forge the infrastructure needed to ferry the ore to market. The grand aim? To commence production by 2025. Here's the scoop on this ambitious endeavor. The Simandou project is touted as one of the largest untapped iron ore deposits on the planet. With this resource, Guinea stands on the threshold of substantial…

Sékou Jamal Pendessa: The Indomitable and Protective

The Indomitable Advocate: Sékou Jamal Pendessa's Battle for Press Freedom in Guinea In Guinea, journalists face unprecedented persecution since the CNRD junta seized power. Media outlets shuttered, radios twisted, information sites and social media becoming impenetrable are only a few of the hurdles confronting Sékou Jamal Pendessa, General Secretary of the Union of Press Professionals of Guinea (SPPG). This union stalwart has led countless offensives against assaults on press freedom, a fight that has repeatedly landed…

Abduction of Foniké Menguè and Billo Bah in Guinea: The

<h1>Guinea Faces Political Tensions Amidst Activist Kidnappings</h1> <img src="" alt="Ousmane Gaoual Diallo"/> <p>Political unrest persists in Guinea following the recent abductions of prominent FNDC leaders. Foniké Menguè and Billo Bah, known figures in the anti-government FNDC movement, were taken under mysterious circumstances, causing widespread concern among supporters and political…

Guinea: Legal Complaint Against Mamadi Doumbouya Submitted in France

French Complaint Filed Against Guinean Junta Head for Enforced Disappearance Families of Foniké Menguè and Mamadou Billo Bah have lodged accusations in France against Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, the head honcho of Guinea's junta, over forced disappearance. "Enforced disappearance claims against Doumbouya were put forth on July 22, 2024," states their lawyer. Menguè and Bah, prominent figures in the citizen movement National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC), were nabbed on July 9 and vanished into thin air…

News Update: Rising Number of Missing Persons Reported in Burkina Faso

Rise in Abductions Under Sahel Military Regimes In the Sahel region, where military juntas hold power, a disturbing trend is emerging: the mysterious disappearances of dissidents. Human rights activists, trade unionists, religious figures, journalists, and soldiers vanish without a trace, caught outside any semblance of legal processes. Take Lieutenant Colonel Yves Didier Bamouni from Burkina Faso, for instance. "He's been missing since July 13," notes Jeune Afrique. Armed, masked men reportedly apprehended him…

Guinea: FNDC Activist Discusses the Abduction

Activist Kidnappings in Guinea Activist Kidnappings in Guinea Mohamed Cissé, an impassioned young advocate from the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC), claims in a video that he was abducted with two other key figures in the movement—Foniké Menguè and Mamadou Bilo Bah. The FNDC, a collective born in 2019 with a mission to uphold constitutional values, has been a thorn in the side of the transitory administration. On July 19, the United Nations High Commissioner for…

Guinea: Forces Vives de Guinée is getting ready for an upcoming event

Global Outcry Swells Against Abduction in Guinea Outrage is brewing both locally and internationally following the abduction of Foniké Menguè and Billo Bah, which took place during the night between Tuesday, the 9th, and Wednesday, the 10th, last week. Among the Forces Vives de Guinée, various political factions are gearing up for a demonstration. Their aim? To denounce the widespread repression perpetrated by President Mamadi Doumbouya's CNRD junta. "We're fed up with the tyranny," declared one opposition leader, a…

Headline: Political Parties Amplify Their Voices in Mali News…

Bamako Faces Political Turmoil Amidst Military Tensions Bamako is witnessing a persistent clash between military rulers and political factions. "Political parties insist on the release of their comrades before any talks can proceed," reports They call this detention a "freedom-strangling act impeding open dialogue." Furthermore, they see last week's lift on suspension of their activities as belated and insufficient. As the Pan-African website notes, the objective of Malian political groups is clear: a peaceful…

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