UN Security Council Advocates Ambitious New Somalia Mission for Enhanced State-Building

The Somali National Army soldiers now monitor the streets after assuming control from ATMIS at Jowhar Town Forward Operating Base (FOB)/ATMIS.

The African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) has greenlit a fresh AU-led mission to take the place of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

Following their 1217th assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Thursday, a communique revealed that the PSC prioritizes the new mission in undermining the Al Shabaab terror outfit.

The Council added that the mission should ensure civilians are safe and secure within Somalia.

The PSC emphasized that backing Somalia’s security and political stability should be the mission’s foremost goal.

“This AU-led Mission must support Somalia’s stabilization and security, aiding in state-building and a smooth handover of security responsibilities to Somali authorities,” declared the PSC.

The new mission is also tasked with setting up robust communication channels, combined planning, and a focused command and control system as endorsed in the Joint Technical Assessment.

The PSC appreciated the headway in Somalia since the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) inception in 2007, which transitioned to ATMIS in April 2022.

The Council resolved that the post-ATMIS Mission should possess a firm political mandate, aligning its scope, size, composition, and duration with existing threats and the readiness of Somalia Security Forces to assume complete security duties.

The mission’s mandate will also reflect Somalia’s political and security context, offering realistic timelines catered to Somalia’s needs for a smooth, systematic, efficient transition of security duties to Somali forces.

“Thus, the PSC requests the AU Commission to collaborate with ATMIS, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), and other stakeholders to present, by July 2024, a Concept of Operations (CONOPs) outlining the mission’s mandate, structure, benchmarks, and timelines for the transition from ATMIS,” stated the PSC.

Additionally, the PSC called upon the AU Commission, working with the UN Secretariat, to draft funding options for the new mission via UN Security Council Resolution 2719 (2023) and other financial resources to ensure financial stability.

The PSC endorsed Somalia’s May 17 request for a phased approach to the ATMIS Phase 3 drawdown, suggesting two tranches of 2000 personnel each, reducing forces by June and September 2024.

The Council stressed the need for a careful transition from ATMIS to the new mission to avoid security gaps, especially between December 31, 2024, and January 1, 2025.

“In this context, the PSC urges the AU Commission to consult with the TCCs, FGS, and UN and report back by July 2024 on ensuring a seamless transition to the new AU-led mission,” the PSC remarked.

The Council reaffirmed the AU’s commitment to the Somali people and government, supporting their quest for lasting peace, security, stability, and prosperity, benefiting the Horn of Africa and beyond.

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