Somali Leaders Honor the Legacy of Former Parliament Speaker Prof. Jawari

Mogadishu (AX) – Somalia’s top brass, including President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Barre, parliamentary leaders, and various civil society groups, shared heartfelt condolences on the passing of ex-Parliament Speaker Prof. Mohamed Osman Jawari.

President Mohamud underscored Jawari’s pivotal efforts in forging and structuring Somalia’s government. He noted Jawari’s dedication, highlighting his selfless contributions, both financially and personally, to the nation’s rebuilding process.

“Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Rajicun. My deepest sympathies go out to the grieving family, friends, and the Somali people. The late Parliament Speaker, Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari, devoted years to serving our country, leaving a commendable legacy in governmental restoration endeavors,” President Mohamud conveyed in a Friday statement.

Prime Minister Barre echoed the sentiment, lamenting the loss of a foundational figure essential to Somalia’s governance structure. He characterized Jawari as a seasoned politician, with over six decades in government service, who significantly contributed to stable governance.

Both Lower and Upper House Speakers described Prof. Jawari as a stalwart dedicating substantial time to the Somali government. Other regional influencers and civil societies also lauded Jawari’s enduring commitment to state-building.

Who was Prof. Jawari?

Born in 1945 in Afgoye district, Lower Shabelle region, Prof. Mohamed Sheikh Osman grew up in the Bay region’s Bur Hakaba district. He pursued law at Somali National University.

From 1979 to 1985, he served as Permanent Secretary in both the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Preceding this, from 1973 to 1979, he held posts as Director General and Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Prof. Jawari later became Minister of Transport, Labor, and Labor under former President Mohamed Siad Barre’s administration, also serving as a parliamentarian during the military government era.

Following the government’s collapse, Jawari relocated to Norway where he worked in development and education sectors.

With Somali government reformation efforts commencing, Jawari returned to assist in establishing governance. He led the Independent Commission responsible for drafting the new constitution and deeply involved himself as a senior advisor to the Constitution Commission.

In 2012, Jawari ascended to Speaker of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, elected by traditional elders. Re-elected in 2017, he faced resignation following political discord.

Recently, he joined a committee, appointed by President Hassan Sheikh, aimed at safeguarding Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity amidst diplomatic strains with Ethiopia.

Prof. Jawari was also renowned for lecturing university students, advocating for national development. Fluent in Somali, Italian, English, Arabic, and Norwegian, he held extensive knowledge in Somali language and culture.

In 2022, false social media reports announced Jawari’s death, which his family later refuted.

Prof. Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari passed away at 79, survived by nine children—five daughters and four sons.

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