Turkey Mediates Crucial Ankara Talks to Resolve Somalia-Ethiopia Port Dispute

ANKARA, Turkey (AX) – Diplomatic endeavors saw a pivotal shift as the top diplomats of Somalia and Ethiopia converged in Ankara on July 1, 2024, aiming to calm rising frictions. Turkey orchestrated this meeting, paving the way for a discourse on the controversial Ethiopia-North Western of Somalia Memorandum of Understanding, which has unsettled the Horn of Africa’s tranquility.

The parley, hosted by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, brought together Ethiopian Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie and Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi. The Turkish hosts noted that both ministers engaged in upfront and visionary conversations to chart harmonious courses on contentious matters.

“The Ministers of Somalia and Ethiopia reinforced their dedication to resolving disputes amicably and appreciated Turkey for its mediation and constructive inputs,” the joint communique stated. This sentiment reflects a collective yearning for regional tranquility and collaboration often undermined by conflicts and international rivalries.

Turkey has a storied history of brokering peace in the Horn of Africa, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan actively championing diplomatic initiatives. This positioning underlines Turkey’s strategic play in solidifying its influence across Africa through multifaceted alliances.

“We value Turkey’s initiative in convening this dialogue,” noted Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi. “Our quest for peace remains steadfast, and we aim to settle our differences through conversation.”

Echoing these views, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie remarked, “This dialogue elevates our efforts towards stability and collaboration. We pledge to peaceful remedies and are thankful for Turkey’s backing.”

The upcoming follow-up session in September 2024 indicates a planned strategy to press forward. This timeline showcases the shared resolve to sustain diplomatic activities. Continuous engagement underscores a systematic attempt to manage disputes through unbroken dialogue and synchronized action.

Territorial disputes and political discord have inflamed tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia. A core issue is the debate over port access, with Ethiopia eyeing ports in North Western of Somalia in return for recognizing the breakaway region’s autonomy.

In February 2024, Somalia okayed a defence package with Turkey, promising military training and support. Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi stressed the accord wasn’t to aggravate Ethiopia but to fortify Somalia’s defence. Ethiopia has read this pact as a strategic Somali move within the regional disputes context.

Post-Ankara discussions revealed that Somali and Ethiopian officials are exploring joint solutions for port usage, a lifeline for Ethiopia’s landlocked economy. Solving this impasse is pivotal for mending bilateral ties and boosting economic synergy.

The Somalia-Ethiopia diplomacy narrative is fraught with conflicts and shifts in alliances. Previous talks have had mixed outcomes, making the recent Ankara dialogue a notable breakpoint in diplomatic engagement.

The global community, alongside regional entities, closely observes these discussions. Ensuring amicable Somalia-Ethiopia relations is crucial for regional stability, long plagued by unrest and political volatility. Turkey’s ongoing mediation may set a blueprint for addressing future regional conflicts, proving the power of diplomatic intervention.

Minister Fidan highlighted the significance of dialogue: “We believe robust dialogue can guide our friends in Somalia and Ethiopia towards peace and mutual understanding.”

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