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Netanyahu Criticizes Protesters as ‘Useful Idiots’ in US Address

Netanyahu's Historic Address to U.S. Congress Amid Protests Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made history by addressing the U.S. Congress for the fourth time, amidst a backdrop of protests and controversy. The chambers echoed with applause, standing ovations, cheers, and even whistling after some of his poignant comments. Netanyahu dismissed the protesters, labeling them as "Iran's useful idiots" and expressing that they should feel ashamed. "America and Israel must stand together," he proclaimed, commending U.S.…

South Africa: President Ramaphosa’s Unifying Address

President Ramaphosa Unveils Parliamentary Session Amid Fresh Coalition Dynamics The atmosphere was electric as President Cyril Ramaphosa kicked off the latest parliamentary session on the evening of July 18. Decked out in the historical grandeur of Cape Town, the new deputies—freshly elected in May—gathered, anticipating a speech that would set the stage for their term. For the first time, the president's address echoed the unified voice of the Government of National Unity. Unlike his predecessors, Ramaphosa now represents…

President of Northeastern State to address Parliament on the current situation in

Somalia Northeastern State - Said Abdullahi Deni, the president of Somalia's northeastern federal state, is expected to speak to parliament after his return from Mogadishu, where he spent a month in electoral negotiations that ended without a result last week. Speaking to Garowe Online, lawmakers have confirmed that President Deni will deliver a speech on Northeastern State's position on the current standoff in Somalia at the State Assembly on Thursday. "MEPs have been notified of the key session via a text message…

Ceni announces measures to address the issue

To vote in Sunday's presidential election, Chadians registered to vote must present their ballot papers. Problem: some will not have it for the vote because they could not pick it up at the distribution offices. Impossible to know the exact number of voters without cards. Ceni has made new arrangements, she said in a press release released on April 9, two days before the vote. Provisions that are…

Access to drinking water for all in Africa: French companies are trying to address this

Ensuring access to drinking water for the entire world's population remains a major challenge, especially in Africa where only one in four people can get drinking water and benefit from basic sanitation. Like other companies specializing in the water and sanitation sector, the French group Véolia, which operates in about ten African countries, is trying to meet the challenge of making drinking water…

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