Somalia Celebrates its 64th Independence Day with Grand Festivities

Somalia’s 64th Independence Bash

MOGADISHU, Somalia –

Somalia erupted in jubilant celebrations marking its 64th year of independence, with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud steering the festivities while the Somali National Army flaunted its prowess.

Monday morning witnessed a grand military display as the National Armed Forces commemorated the nation’s birth in 1964, liberated from British and Italian colonial grips.

Somali Army choppers soared over Mogadishu, scattering celebratory messages, heralding the day’s awaited festivities. Overcoming profound challenges, the nation has achieved significant milestones over three decades.

Turkey, a key ally, rejoiced with Somalia on this momentous occasion. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated,

“We pledge to bolster our extensive cooperation and tirelessly work toward Somalia’s enduring stability and prosperity.”

During a grand gala at Villa Somalia, marking the 64th Independence Day, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud lauded the Somali National Army. The national flag unfurled at midnight, accompanied by fireworks and the stirring national anthem, celebrating this historic day.

Even King Charles III chimed in, penning a heartfelt note to Somalia’s citizens. Britain once ruled North Western of Somalia before its union with Italian Somalia in 1960—a union that later dissolved.

President Mohamud vowed to intensify efforts against Al-Shabaab, which has lost extensive rural strongholds in recent months. Representatives from several countries joined the jubilations.


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