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Africa’s 8 Largest Shopping Malls: A Grand Tour

The bustling landscapes of Africa are witnessing a remarkable evolution. As mega shopping malls emerge, they are significantly redefining urban landscapes. These architectural marvels stand not just as buildings but as symbols of economic dynamism and lifestyle enhancement. From the southern tip of South Africa to the ever-vibrant streets of Nigeria, the vibrant marketplaces of Kenya, and the cultural hubs of Ghana, these retail powerhouses are not simply places for shopping. They are engines of economic…

Naguib Sawiris Calls for Reevaluation of Egypt’s Grand Projects

Rethinking Egypt’s Mega Projects In today's ever-evolving economic landscape, countries are constantly challenged to balance growth with sustainability. Egypt stands at a pivotal point in its development journey, marked by expansive infrastructure projects and bolstered by the leadership's ambitious visions. Egyptian billionaire, Naguib Sawiris, brings a fresh perspective to this narrative—a perspective that warns against nesting ambitions solely on the laurels of grandeur. Sawiris…

Somalia’s Senate Speaker Tours Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

ABU DHABI, September 23, 2024 (WAM) — Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, the Speaker of Somalia's Senate, had the pleasure of exploring the majestic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. He was joined by Federal National Council (FNC) members, Mohammed Al Yamahi and Mohammed Al Dhohori. The group, accompanied by Dr. Yousif Al Obaidli, Director-General of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre, roamed the mosque’s halls and delightful outdoor corridors. Dr. Al Obaidli shared insights into how the mosque embodies coexistence, tolerance,…

Sudan ‘defends’ Ethiopia towards second filling of Grand Renaissance dam

Sudan 'defends' Ethiopia against second fill of Grand Renaissance Dam as Egypt expresses concerns NAIROBI, Kenya - Khartoum authorities may have changed their minds over controversial Grand Renaissance dam infill along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, which could give the conflict a new dimension. A Sudanese official said on Sunday that no drop in the water level of the Blue Nile had been detected…

the reservoir of the Grand Dam of the Renaissance

Ethiopia announced this Monday, July 19, the end of the filling of its controversial large pond called the "Renaissance" (GERD). This replenishment had begun discreetly at the beginning of the month, despite warnings and concerns from Sudan and Egypt and despite the lack of agreement between the three major coastal countries on the exploitation of water from the Nile. But now the dam will be prepared…

The Grand Marché of Niamey reopens its doors

The front doors to the Grand Marché of Niamey have reopened since this week. An event because it had been more than two years since they were closed due to work on the highway. While the Covid-19 pandemic and the violence in the post-election crisis have hit the capital's economic lung hard, traders are hoping to reopen their doors.…

the cattle still sent to the Grand Magal in spite of the difficulties

For the largest pilgrimage of the Mouride fraternity, which takes place this Tuesday, October 6, there is no party without the distribution of beef dishes. Every year, tens of thousands of cattle come from Senegal and neighboring countries. This year, organizers and believers had to deal with the closure of the borders linked to Covid-19 and the coup on 18 August in Mali. as reported from Dakar Touba has its Magal, its great mosque, its innumerable followers and its Bérndé. This Wolof word denotes the festivities, the…

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