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France celebrates 60 years of Algerian independence

France commemorates on Saturday the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Evian agreements which recognized the independence of Algeria during a ceremony at the Élysée. The bilateral relationship over the decades that followed was marked by episodes of turbulence and rapprochement. In the 60 years since Algeria gained independence from France, it has gone through multiple crises with…

EDITORIAL: On Independence Day Somalia ought to aspire to a rebirth

EDITORIAL: On Independence Day Somalia should aspire to a rebirth EDITORIAL | Somalia turns 61 on Thursday and it's no wonder its people from all walks of life are celebrating. July 1 has always been Somalia's most memorable day, as it laid the groundwork for what should be Somalia today. On that day, when members of the Trust Territory of Somalia, originally known as Italian Somaliland, and…

African history: Chad, from independence to

Considered one of the cradles of humanity, the state of Chad has a rich history. This huge country with a very dry climate is located in the heart of the continent, on the borders of North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. But since independence was proclaimed on 11 August 1960, the country has often been forced to face armed uprisings as well as the repercussions of tensions in neighboring countries.

EDITORIAL: There’s a message right here about Parliament’s independence

EDITORIAL: On the independence of Parliament, here is a message to President Mursal EDITORIAL | It is not every day that we turn our fingers to the President of the House of Commons, Mursal Mohamed. But given the circumstances, he now holds the net and the knife for Somalia's future. Therefore, it was disappointing this week that a meeting convened to discuss Covid-19 emergencies…

Ahmedou Ould Abdallah: Mauritania’s independence, “affirmation of our id”

Mauritania celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of its independence this Saturday, November 28. It was November 28, 1960, after 60 years of French colonization. Independence declared in Nouakchott by President Mokhtar Ould Daddah. Ahmedou Ould Abdallah was then 20 years previous. Former International Minister President Ould Daddah, former Particular Consultant of the UN Secretary-Normal for West Africa, appears to be like again on the nation's previous many years. He is a visitor at Charlotte Idrac's. .

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