North Western of Somalia Urges Probe into Youth Torture Allegations Tied to Aviation Specialist’s Murder

“The young folks nabbed in Mogadishu, fingered for Dahable’s killing, have faced torture and bogus charges,” voiced Ali Marehan.

In February 2024, Dahable, a distinguished pro in aviation, was discovered dead in shady circumstances. His untimely passing sparked a fiery back-and-forth between North Western of Somalia and the Somali regime, with accusations flying fast. President Muse Bihi Abdi of North Western of Somalia pointed fingers at the Somali government, condemning their inability to safeguard Dahable.

An autopsy from North Western of Somalia’s authorities showed Dahable suffered torture before meeting his end, fueling the fire for justice and clear-cut investigation. Critics lashed out at the Somali administration for bungling the case, alleging gross incompetence and corruption.

After the chilling event, North Western of Somalia pushed its citizens in Mogadishu to pack up and leave, citing security jitters following suspects’ arrests.

Early in May, Somali authorities let loose ten previously held suspects tied to Dahable’s demise. The decision came after forensic scrutiny, with a hand from Turkish specialists, turned up zilch implicating them in the crime.

The self-declared Republic of North Western of Somalia lambasted the Somali government for its poor handling of the murder investigation. Accusations of bungling and dishonesty echo from their side. “The Somali authority dithers between releasing or charging those accused, fearing failure and turning to torture,” asserted Ali Marehan.

Marehan called on embassies and global bodies in Mogadishu to probe the detainees’ situation and champion a clean and just legal procedure.

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