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Somali Government Denies Involvement in Nairobi MPs’ Detention Allegations

Mogadishu (AX) – The Somali government has pushed back against accusations from two opposition lawmakers who suggested that their brief detention in Nairobi last week involved Somalia's federal government. Two members of the federal assembly, Ahmed Abdi Kooshin, also the Secretary of the Defense Committee, and Hassan Abdinoor, claimed plainclothes officers detained them and accused them of subversive activities against Somalia's government. According to the Somalia National News Agency (SONNA), the Somali government…

North Western of Somalia Urges Probe into Youth Torture Allegations Tied to Aviation Specialist’s Murder

"The young folks nabbed in Mogadishu, fingered for Dahable's killing, have faced torture and bogus charges," voiced Ali Marehan. In February 2024, Dahable, a distinguished pro in aviation, was discovered dead in shady circumstances. His untimely passing sparked a fiery back-and-forth between North Western of Somalia and the Somali regime, with accusations flying fast. President Muse Bihi Abdi of North Western of Somalia pointed fingers at the Somali government, condemning their inability to safeguard Dahable. An autopsy…

North Western of Somalia Urges Probe into Torture Allegations of Youths Linked to Scholar’s Murder

News "The young folks nabbed in Mogadishu for Dahable's slaying have endured torture and bogus rap," remarked Ali Marehan. Dahable, a well-known aviator, turned up dead under eerie conditions in February 2024. His demise sparked a fiery spat between North Western of Somalia and the Somali government, each flinging blame at the other. North Western of Somalia's President Muse Bihi Abdi had pointed fingers at the Somali government for failing to keep Dahable safe. A post-mortem by North Western…

Exoneration of Previous Immigration Chiefs from Corruption Allegations

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Breaking news from the Benadir regional court reveals that Mohamed Adan Koofi, Abdikadir Ali Elmi, and Muhiyidin Sabey, former high-ranking authorities, have been cleared of all corruption allegations. This ruling follows a detailed examination of the evidence provided during the trial. Koofi and Elmi, previously holding positions as Immigration and Citizenship Directors, along with Sabey, the former Land Taxes Director, have been vindicated of any misconduct. The court's decision has elicited a diverse…

Prime Minister Roble skips Somali and Turkish celebrations amid allegations with Farmaajo

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, who is also the coordinator of government functions, skipped dinner for outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo on Thursday evening tomark the 10th anniversary of Somali-Turkish cooperation. It was activated in 2011 when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan first visited Somalia as PrimeMinister. Since then, Ankara and Mogadishu have beencelebrating the day to strengthen their relationship. Relations with Farmaajo While the country prepares to hold general…

Qatar denies allegations of financing Somalia via Fahad Yasin

DOHA - Qatar has denied allegations of funding for Somalia's government politicians through intelligence chief Fahad Yasin, arguing that the allegations are "unfounded and ridiculous" in what could again trigger fierce opposition in the country. For decades, Doha has often been mentioned in Mogadishu's internal policies, but it has often blamed business rivals for "nurturing" propaganda in a way that jeopardizes her interests. The allegations were made by former US Ambassador to Somalia Stephen Schwartz. Doha claims…

UN agencies, including UNICEF, WHO are investigating allegations of sexual abuse by DR Congo workers

UNICEF on Wednesday became the third UN agency to launch an internal investigation into the sexual abuse of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and promised "serious consequences" for possible sins. The Children's Fund said in a statement that it was "shocked that people identifying themselves as UNICEF workers have allegedly abused vulnerable women in the Democratic Republic of Congo." It was not immediately clear how many UNICEF staff had been charged. "There will be serious consequences for any staff…

WHO investigates allegations of sexual abuse in Ebola fight in DR Congo

The World Health Organization said on Tuesday that it was investigating allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse of people who identified themselves as UN agency workers fighting Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The WHO said its management and staff were "furious" over recent reports of sexual abuse by people who said they worked for the UN health agency in the Ebola campaign in the DRC. "The actions allegedly taken by individuals who identify themselves as working for the WHO are unacceptable and will be…

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