County Commissioner Applauds Resolution of Garissa-Isiolo Border Disputes

Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo recently praised the denizens of border areas in Garissa and Isiolo Counties for halting prolonged conflicts.

Bloodshed has marred interactions between the Borana of Garba-Tula from Isiolo and the Aulihan of Lagdera in Garissa since 2015. Innumerable lives have been lost, and countless families displaced.

Many livestock fell victim, snatched or slain amid the hostilities.

Government attempts to instill order in these regions repeatedly failed. Despite brief respites, violence and devastation resurfaced.

Yet, the current peace has held strong for nearly twelve months without incident.

Elders and local peace committees have forged collaboration, ensuring stolen livestock are returned amicably.

During the Madaraka Day festivities in Modogashe town, Commissioner Mwabudzo remarked that tranquility was a product of the communities’ symbiotic relationship.

He emphasized the critical roles leaders and civilians play in sustaining safety and serenity.

Mwabudzo noted, “Our security has vastly improved. Recalling our past turmoil, today’s calm showcases progress, though minor issues persist.”

“We cherish peace and must avoid strife. Effective security also requires civilians to relay crucial data to us,” he added.

Going forward, Mwabudzo revealed plans to collaborate with NGOs to robustly tackle livestock theft for a lasting resolution.

Lagdera MP Abdikadir Hussein also acknowledged the locals’ role in preserving peace and insisted on governmental action to keep peace committees active in tackling resource-related clashes in sub-counties.

He also advocated for increased security personnel in historically turbulent zones and urged Interior CS Kithure Kindiki for action.

“Our communities are thriving in peace, focusing on their lives rather than fear. Proactive, not reactive measures from the government are crucial,” Hussein declared.

Typically, drought stirs conflict among these neighboring groups as they vie for scant resources, like water and pasture.

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