Félix Nialbe, opposition leader, leaves the committee

In Chad, Romadoumngar Félix Nialbe, the leader of the opposition before Idriss Déby’s death, withdraws from the National Dialogue Organizing Committee. He announced this in a letter to the Transition Minister, on 19 August.

Romadoumngar Félix Nialbe, President of the Union for Renewal and Democracy (URD), makes sure that he does not question the dialogue or its preparation. he rather says he wants to confirm his role as the leader of the opposition, even though the National Assembly has been dissolved.

“I can not accept that I can become a member of an organizing committee. From the beginning, I had suggested a URD activist as such. But I, as the leader of the democratic opposition, should stay in the background to organize the opposition for its massive participation in this dialogue. We do not rule out our participation in the dialogue as the URD, nor as the opposition. In accordance with Article 100 of the Transitional Charter, the leaders of the opposition are present until the establishment of the CNT [Conseil national de la Transition]and that is why I remain the leader of the democratic opposition, the Chadian parliamentary and extra-parliamentary opposition. So there I have to play my role as the leader of the opposition, but I can not be part of a committee to organize the dialogue. ”

Read also: Chad: Saleh Kebzabo responds to Yaya Dillo Djerou’s criticism of the composition of the National Dialogue Committee


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