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Exporting Nigerian Oil: Exploring Chad as an Alternative Route

Chad-Niger Pipeline Project: Renewed Talks and Strategic Shifts The Chadian oil minister’s visit to Niamey between July 10 and 13 marked a significant step towards reviving the pipeline project between Chad and Niger. In 2019, Nigeria sidelined this project in favor of the Benin route. However, the current diplomatic conflict between Benin and Niger is creating an opportunity to reconsider the Chadian option. This shift brings a renewed focus on connecting the Agadem oil fields to the Doba pipeline in Chad. Niger’s Oil…

Chad: Reforming Administrative and Electoral Boundaries

Chadian Opposition Challenges New Administrative Divisions In Chad, a coalition of opposition parties known as "GCAP" is raising a ruckus over the upcoming review of administrative and electoral changes by the National Transitional Council. The dissenting group, formally called the Consultative Group of Political Parties, isn’t holding back. "These texts are a blow to democratic principles," stated a GCAP spokesperson. With fervor, they made their objections officially known to the public. On Monday, July 22, in the…

Chad: The Elephants of Zah Soo Park (Part 2)

A New Chapter for Chad's Zah Soo Park The latest gem in Chad’s collection of national parks, Zah Soo, celebrates its second year under the stewardship of the French NGO Noé Conservation. Nestled in the western province of Mayo Kebbi, the park's anti-poaching unit is already showing promising results, although they're relying on meager resources, particularly in the realm of weaponry. The tension, however, is palpable between the park authorities and local herders, whose livestock can no longer traverse this crucial…

Chad: Southwestern Efforts Boost Tourism Industry

Reimagining Chad's Narrative Through Its Natural Splendor "Chad Volunteers Organization" aspires to revolutionize Chad's image by showcasing its untold natural beauty. This group's mission involves touring the nation to uncover and celebrate its most captivating locales. Chad Volunteers Organization aims to educate Chadians about these gems and, eventually, ignite a fledgling tourism industry that could turn Chad into a sought-after travel destination. However, the road to get there remains long and challenging.…

Soldiers attack judges in Kelo, in the south of the country

It is an announced program with startling actions against the Chadian judges, these are not random facts. It was well thought out, designed to strike at the existence of the judiciary in this country. We do not intend to let it go, we are determined to ensure that the judiciary is respected. We are holders of a power, they want us. The military they interfere in our attributions because they themselves believe they have weapons, but they have a certain number of powers, but the judges who are…

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