With many of the world nonetheless spending a ton of time at dwelling, you is likely to be ingesting extra espresso than you ever have earlier than—all through your complete day as a substitute of simply the morning. However is there such a factor as ingesting an excessive amount of espresso?
In accordance with a Statista survey of over 800 American espresso drinkers, 29 % of respondents consumed a median of two cups of espresso per day at dwelling. Whereas that looks as if an affordable quantity, not everybody limits…
QM oo ku waaysay Sadaq John eedeymo ah in uu xiriir la
Golaha Amaanka Qarramada Midoobey ayaa kulankoodii xalay ka sheeegay in wax cadeymo ah loo waayay dacwad ka dhan aheyd taliyaha ciidanka Booliiska Gobolka Banaadir General Sadaq Cumar Xasan Saadaq John oo lagu soo eedeeyay in uu xiriir la leeyahay Xoogga hubaysan ee Al-shabaab.
Kooxdii hore ee QM u qaabilsaneyd kormeerka cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea (Somalia-Eritrea UN Monitoring Group), ayaa ku eedeeyey Jeneral Saadaq inuu xiriir la leeyahay Al-Shabaab.…
QM oo dalbatay in baaritaan lagu sameeyo shaqaalle ka tirsan
SRSG for Somalia
Security Council meeting
The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia (S/2020/121)
Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya ayaa ka hadlay laba kamid ah Shaqaalahooda samafalka oo dhawaan lagu dilay weerar ka dhacay degmada Kaxda ee dulleedka magaaladda Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya.
War-Saxaafadeed kasoo baxay Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa lagu cambaareeyay dilkaas, waxaana lagu sheegay in labada qof ee la…
Muslimiintu maxay ku kala xulanayaan Trump & Biden
Muslimiinta waa dad aad u tiro yar oo ku nool Mareykanka marka loo eego bulshooyinka kale ee nool dalkaasi, laakiin waxaa laga yaabaa in ay saameyn weyn ku leeyihiin doorashooyinka Mareykanka. Muslimiinta Mareykanka, si kastaba ha noqotee, inta badan waxa ay udhaxeeyaan hadalada muslim naceybka ee madaxweyne Donald Trump iyo aragtida ah in Dimuqraadiyiintu ay wiiqeen anshaxa guud Muslimiinta iyo arimaha qoyska.
Marka loo eego xogta 2017 ee Xarunta Cilmi-baarista ee Pew, 3.45…
Troops dispatched to Hirshabelle amid allegations of election
JOWHAR, Somalia - The federal authorities of Somalia has despatched particular law enforcement officials to the state of Hirshabelle forward of essential elections, studies present by which specialists declare is a method to fluctuate the results of the ballot in favor of candidates affiliated with Villa Somalia.
Hirshabelle State is at the moment holding parliamentary elections earlier than participating in regional presidential elections, which have usually attracted national-level pursuits and which have all the…
Former president returns to Somalia earlier than election
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Former Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has returned to Mogadishu for the primary time in as many months forward of a really long-awaited election that has uncovered the capital to a stream of political exercise in current weeks.
In September, political actors in Somalia and quite a lot of stakeholders signed an settlement earlier than the election that ended political quarrels that had engulfed the nation. Stakeholders had been concerned in a pre-election brawl that just about threatened…
Maraykanka,Ruushka & Belgimka oo ka hadlay Dhaqaalaha Al
Dowladdaha Maraykanka, Ruushka, Jarmalka iyo Belgiumka ayaa ka hadlay warbixin ay dhawaan soo saareen koox ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay kuwaas oo sheegay in Al Shabaab lacago badan ka soo xareen canshuuraha gudaha Soomaaliya inkastoo dowladda Soomaaliya qayb ahaan beenisay warbixintaasi.
Warbixin lagu daabay Associated Press ayaa lagu sheegay in Mareykanka xoogga saarayo ka hortaga “maalgalinta sharci darrada ah ee ay adeegsadaan AL-Shabaab” sida ay qabaan Koox ka tirsan Q.M Al…
tensions with Libya result in the expulsion of six diplomats
Six Libyan diplomats, together with the ambassador to be appointed to Bangui, have been expelled from the Central African Republic on Saturday, October 24. They'd been arrested on their arrival the day earlier than by the port safety forces after which positioned underneath home arrest at a resort within the capital underneath guard, awaiting deportation. An incident indicating that the Libyan disaster…
Paulin Makaya’s UPC excluded from the list of approved parties
45 political parties are now officially recognized in Congo-Brazzaville according to the list just released by the Home Office, which has excluded United for the Congo (UPC) party, led by opponent Paulin Makaya. A few months before the presidential election, the latter disputes this decision and shouts arbitrariness. The government is defending itself.…
the volunteers for the defense of the fatherland accused of abuse
Although hailed by the president of Faso at the end of last week, the volunteers' contribution to the defense of the homeland against terrorism has drawn criticism.
as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya BoudaniThe collective against impunity and stigmatization of society, the Burkinabè Movement for Human Rights and Human Rights…