Monusco will focus again in the eastern part of the country

What exit strategy from the Democratic Republic of Congo for MONUSCO? The Congolese government and the UN mission have submitted a working document to the Security Council allowing for the gradual withdrawal of peacekeeping forces and the dismantling of bases. With our special correspondent in Kinshasa, Sonia RolleyThe first…

Dowlada Soomaaliya oo si taxadar leh uga hadashay hadaladii

Dowlada Federalka Soomaaliya ayaa si taxadar leh uga hadashay hadalo qadaf ku ah diinta islaamka iyo iyo Nabi Maxamed ee ku dhowaaqay Hogaamiyaha dalka Faransiiska Emmanuel Marcron. War qoraal ah oo lagu daabacay ciwaanada baraha bulshadda ee Madaxtooyadda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ciwaan looga dhigay: “Kala saaridda xorriyadda hadalka iyo ku xadgudubka muqadasaadka Diiniga ah”. Bayaanka ayaa waxaanan si toos ah loogu carabaabin midkoodna – Dowladda Faransiiska ama hogaamiyaha…

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune transferred to a hospital in Germany

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was transferred to a hospital in Germany on Wednesday, October 28, the day after his hospitalization in Algiers. The news was announced through a statement broadcast on national television. It is not known whether Abdelmadjid Tebboune is affected by coronavirus or not, because the presidency remains very discreet in the matter.…

those who want to vote and those who do not

D-2 before the presidential election in Ivory Coast. A vote that the opposition promises to prevent in order to block the candidacy of Alassane Ouattara for a third term. Since August, the climate has become significantly tense. Political violence has left more than thirty people dead in three months. The outgoing president has gathered all opposition to him. And the mediation has so far yielded…

“Ibrahim 10” and Sadou Chaka sentenced to death

Following a swift deliberation, Bamako's court against terrorism on Wednesday, October 28, recognized Mauritanian Fawaz Ould Ahmed, alias "Ibrahim 10", guilty of belonging to a jihadist group, for murder in connection with a terrorist activity and financing of terrorism. He and his co-defendant, Sadou Chaka, were sentenced to death as well as a fine of 10 million CFA francs for the attacks on the Terrace…

President Alpha Condé at the bedside for victims of post-election violence

After a week of confinement, the security device that was deployed around the opponent's Cellou Dalein Diallo's home was lifted on Wednesday, October 28th. The measure had been requested by the joint UN - AU - ECOWAS mission at the end of its stay in Conakry. Second in the presidential election on October 18 with 33.5% of the vote, according to Ceni, Cellou Dalein Diallo continues to dispute these…

West Africa is waiting for its single currency

Announced at the end of last year that Eco, which is to replace the CFA franc from 2020, will eventually have to wait. Apart from the requirement that certain civil society organizations and certain economists demand the disappearance of the CFA franc, current users of this currency rarely speak on a daily basis. "Does our…

“For us, no choice next Saturday”

In Ivory Coast, the presidential election is scheduled for Saturday, October 31st. Yesterday, presidential candidate Alassane Ouattara declared on RFI and France 24 that the vote would take place. Today, opposition platform spokesman Pascal Affi N'Guessan says there will be no election. Former Prime Minister Laurent Gbagbo is interviewed by Christophe Boisbouvier of RFI and Marc Perelman of France 24.…

The #1 Cause You are Not Shedding Stomach Fats

If you cannot appear to lose cussed stomach fats, it may not be due to the energy you are consuming. It could possibly be the salt. For each additional gram of salt you eat in a day—that is about what you may discover in a kind of tiny salt packets from the soup store—your danger of weight problems climbs by 25 %, in accordance with a examine at Queen Mary College in London. Researchers speculate that sodium alters our metabolism, altering the way in which during…

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