Somali and Jubbaland Forces Decimate al-Shabaab Havens in Lower Jubba

Mogadishu (AX) — The Somali National Army (SNA), along with Jubbaland State’s Darawish troops, has ramped up its offensive against Al-Shabaab insurgents in Lower Jubba. This week’s mission aims to uproot key militant strongholds around Bulo Haji. The effort zeroes in on the thick scrublands of Lagta Anole, where military leaders report that numerous Al-Shabaab hideouts have been obliterated.

Jubbaland Darawish Commander Ismail Sahardid announced that Somali and Jubbaland forces have significantly pushed back the militants. “We’ve dismantled several critical positions utilized by the militants for staging attacks,” Sahardid mentioned in a broadcast by government media.

Sources indicate that the area has long been a sanctuary for Al-Shabaab leadership, comprising both Somali and foreign fighters, who exploit the location to strategize and execute assaults on Somali and Jubbaland forces positioned nearby.

Fierce skirmishes have continued since the operation kicked off earlier this week. Although there have been reports of casualties on both sides, no official numbers have been disclosed yet.

These efforts in Jubbaland build upon the recent military triumphs in the area. Just last Sunday, Somali National Army (SNA) and Jubbaland security forces engaged Al-Shabaab militants in Janay Abdalla, Lower Jubba. The militants assaulted a military post but were repelled, resulting in at least five Al-Shabaab deaths.

July operations previously marked substantial advancements, with Somali and Jubbaland forces eliminating dozens of militants, including top leaders, and securing vital areas like Lagta Qubbi, Golhadamo, Biibi, Harboole, and Miido. These strategies reopened key routes between Kismayo and Afmadow, further destabilizing Al-Shabaab’s hold in the region. Lower Jubba continues to be a central target for the Somali government as securing this region is pivotal for maintaining the stability of Kismayo, the interim capital of the Jubbaland administration.

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