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Somali Forces Eliminate Al-Shabaab Fighters

Somali Forces Triumph Over Al-Shabaab Militia MOGADISHU, Somalia - Three days of sustained military campaigns have seen the Somali National Army (SNA) gain significant ground against Al-Shabaab. These extremists aim to dethrone the delicate UN-supported federal government of Somalia. Military reports reveal that several key Al-Shabaab bases were targeted by army operations in Abagbeday, approximately 20 kilometers from Hudur town, Bokool region in Southwest state. Their fortresses crumbled under heavy fire. Insiders in…

North Western of Somalia Cautions Against Turkish Navy’s Presence in Somali Waters

North Western of Somalia Voices Opposition to Turkish Naval Presence in Somali Waters MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somaliland, a self-declared republic, has issued a firm caution to Somalia regarding the proposal of Turkish Naval forces patrolling its waters. In a recent declaration, Somaliland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphatically denounced the possibility of Turkish naval intervention, stating, "We categorically oppose any planned involvement of Turkish naval forces within our legally defined maritime zones." This…

Al-Shabaab Leaders Capitulate to Somali Forces During Military Campaign

Al-Shabaab Leaders Turn Themselves in to Somali Troops Amid Heightened Conflict MOGADISHU, Somalia - In a significant uplift for the Somali government, two prominent Al-Shabaab figures have thrown in the towel, substantially strengthening efforts against these militants who are relentlessly aiming to dismantle the existing regime. Insider information reveals that these commandants capitulated to the Somali National Army in the Bulo Marer District, situated in the Lower Shabelle region, a locality noted for its allegiance…

Somali Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers Following Fatal Encounter with Al-Shabaab

Somalia's Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers After Fierce Battle with Al-Shabaab MOGADISHU, Somalia - Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhydin, the Chief of Defence Forces for the Somali National Army (SNA), paid a visit to soldiers injured in Monday’s violent clash in Southern Somalia. This confrontation involved the army and Al-Shabaab insurgents attempting to seize military outposts. Accompanied by police chief Brigadier Sulub Ahmed Firin, known for his pivotal role in upholding law and order, Major General Muhydin…

Somali Military Achieves Numerous Victories Over Al-Shabaab

Somali Forces Celebrate Triumphs Over Al-Shabaab KISMAYO, Somalia - Monday marked a significant milestone for the Somali National Army (SNA), as they reported a remarkable performance in their recent engagements. The SNA's strategic maneuvers resulted in the death of over 120 Al-Shabaab militants across three distinct operations, targeting the insurgents who attempted assaults on military installations. Joint efforts of the Somali National Army and Jubaland Security Forces secured victories in three separate…

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Grieves for Esteemed Religious Figure

Somalia President Mourns Revered Religious Leader Sheikh Osman Hiddig MOGADISHU, Somalia - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud expressed deep sorrow over the passing of esteemed cleric Sheikh Osman Sheikh Omar, known as Sheikh Osman Hiddig. The president commended him as a "dedicated scholar" ardently promoting religious conversations to uplift Somalia. At 82 years old, Sheikh Osman Hiddig passed away on Saturday morning after battling a prolonged illness, according to his family. They highlighted his pivotal role in achieving…

Turkey to Send Naval Forces to Somali Waters

Turkey Poised to Send Navy to Somali Waters ANKARA, Turkey - Following a recent defense accord with Somalia, Turkey is gearing up to dispatch its Navy to Somali waters. This move is contingent on the approval of a motion put forth by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in parliament. Somalia inked the defense agreement with Turkey after Ethiopia entered into an unauthorized Memorandum of Understanding with the autonomous region of Somaliland. The purpose of this deal is to gain access to the Red Sea. The arrangement could lead…

From UN Arms Ban to Disorder: Advanced Weaponry Reaches Somali Civilians

From UN Arms Embargo to Chaos: Weapons Spill into Somali Civilian Hands NAIROBI, Kenya - When the UN Security Council lifted Somalia’s arms embargo in December 2023, few could foresee the turmoil it would unleash. Within mere months, armed militia intercepted a weapons-laden convoy in central Somalia, ironically leading to sophisticated armaments being scattered among civilians. This has triggered alarm bells regarding the rampant spread of weaponry in the region, and a looming fear of these arms reaching nefarious actors.…

Five prisoners and three soldiers killed in failed escape from Somali prison

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Five prisoners and three soldiers were killed Saturday in a failed attempt by some inmates to escape from a prison in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, a prison official said. The prisoners, believed to belong to the jihadist group Al-Shabaab, had managed to obtain light weapons and hand grenades from the facility. They then engaged in a violent shootout with the guards, who were surprised by this sudden and well-coordinated attack. Colonel Abdikani Khalaf, spokesman for the Somali army's guard corps,…

Somali financial institution Salaam provides free microfinance to small companies within the capital

Somali financial institution Salaam provides free microfinance to small companies within the capital MOGADISHU, Somalia - Salaam Somali Bank, the primary non-public financial institution, has supplied free microfinance to small companies within the nation's capital as a part of the annual grand enjoyable program to increase tradition and compete with the economic system. On Wednesday, March 23,…

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