the Protestant Church publishes its roadmap

After the Catholic bishops, the Protestants raise their voices against any postponement of the 2023 election. The Church of Christ of the Congo (ECC), the second largest religious denomination in the country, was unveiled on Saturday, March 27 in Kinshasa, its roadmap in the presence of elected officials and civil society activists . For Protestants, it is a real race against time that must begin now to hold elections in time.

as reported from Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

Time passes and the tone of the Protestant president, Pastor André Bokundoa-Bo-Likabe, becomes firm. “Credible, transparent and peaceful elections absolutely deserve to be held in 2023. We should as soon as possible find a national consensus on the conditions that can probably officially start the election process. So far, we are only in the political debates without formally starting the 2023 election cycle ”.

The Church of Christ in the Congo believes that it is possible to organize the election on December 24, 2023. With the title “Cap 2023”, its roadmap means a series of measures that should begin on April 12 with advocacy with institutions. There will also be activities to mobilize the population around the election issue, explains Pastor Éric Senga, Secretary General of Justice, Peace and Protection of the Creative Commons.

“We do not want it to remain a debate at the departmental level, that is why we will set up action groups at universities, in high schools even in the most remote areas of our churches. We will start this debate. Try to popularize the reform project more and make the population own it ”.

For the ECC, it would first be necessary for Parliament to rapidly reform the law governing the Electoral Commission. And in June, you will install the new Céni team. The appointment of these members was the basis for the crisis between President Félix Tshisekedi and his predecessor.

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