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Catholics and Protestants are hoping for an interview with

We still do not know the name of the future president of the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni). Religious communities are always divided about the choice. Six religious groups are united behind the candidacy of Denis Kadima for which they have submitted a file to the National Assembly office. But Catholics and Protestants who oppose this candidacy hope to be received by President Felix…

Catholics and Protestants want to meet the president

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Catholics (Cenco) and Protestants (ECC) are still opposed to Denis Kadima's candidacy for Ceni's presidency. The other denominations still support this candidacy. Representatives of Cenco and the ECC want to meet with President Tshisekedi to change the situation. as reported from Kinshasa,…

a report from the confessional platform for

No white smoke this Friday, July 30, in the process of appointing the chairman of the election commission. Work resumed this morning at the invitation of the President of the Religious Confessions Platform and the President of Cenco, Monsignor Utembi. But the discussions quickly ended. The eight representatives decided to submit a joint report to the President of the National Assembly to explain the…

the great magal in Touba maintained though

The Grand Magal of Touba will be held well in two months, despite the resurgence of Covid-19. A decision was announced during a meeting between religious and administrative authorities. Magal de Touba empties millions of pilgrims each year to celebrate the departure of the founder of the Mouride Brotherhood, Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba. To be announced at the end of next September Grand Magal of Touba will be celebrated despite the Covid-19 pandemic. A statement from the spokesman for the caliph of the Mouride fraternity to the…

the leader of the shiite minority was released and

Released and released after more than five years in prison, Sheik Ibrahim Zakzaky and his wife were released on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 by the court in Kaduna, in the north of the country. The founder of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (MIN), a Shiite political and religious movement, was charged with murder after violence that erupted alongside a religious procession in the city of Zaria in 2015.…

a final Mass in homage to Cardinal Laurent

This last tribute, Wednesday, July 21, 2021, will be held in Notre-Dame du Congo Cathedral in Kinshasa. A celebration in the presence of Presidents Félix Tshisekedi and Denis Sassou-Nguesso. The body of the late cardinal in the DRC must then be buried in the cathedral along with his predecessors. With our special correspondent…

In Chad, the price of sheep has complicated the party

This year, the Tabaski festival is characterized by the pandemic, but in Chad the most important problem is the price of sheep, which has risen sharply in the capital's markets compared with previous years. So this Tuesday, the morning of Tabaski in Chad, Ndjamenois began to organize to enjoy the party despite tight budgets. as…

Eid al-Kebir’s collective prayers were interrupted

In Mauritania we celebrate this Wednesday Eid el-Kebir. But there will be no public gatherings this year in Nouakchott and in the inner cities due to the worsening of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Mauritanian government has ordered that collective prayers be interrupted in mosques. The decision was made after a meeting with the religious guides, who agreed and demanded prayer at home in view of the health…

awareness of Covid-19 in the middle of

Burkina Faso, like other countries, is not affected by Covid-19. The vaccination campaign is slow. Faced with the population's unwillingness to be vaccinated, the country's authorities are raising awareness campaigns. This year, Tabaski's holiday will be marked by a pandemic. Mosque officials demand that obstacle measures be followed.…

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