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East Africa

East Africa | Axadle | Somali English News Source, That, you can depend on. From, the expert view you can trust.

Ethiopian military officers arrive in Somaliland for

HARGEISA, Somalia - Ethiopia stepped up cooperation with secessionist Somaliland this week after a high-security meeting that comes several months after Addis Ababa and Hargeisa locked their horns over Egypt's quest to establish a military base in the erupted northern region of Somalia. In June, Somaliland and Egypt reportedly agreed to have the latter set up a military base along the shores of the Indian Ocean, a move that angered Ethiopia. At that time, Addis Ababa and Cairo were fighting for the construction of the…

Somalia on its way to parliamentary and presidential elections

For several months, Somalia tore itself apart over the organization of the parliamentary and presidential elections. As the country became more and more unstable, agreement was reached two weeks ago on a new election model, and the government released the timetable for the upcoming election. as reported from Nairobi, Sebastien…

Paul Rusesabagina Trial: ‘Hotel Rwanda’ – Hero Under Terrorism Trial Denied Bail

In this issue, a court in Kigali rejected bail for Paul Rusesabagina a second time and he had requested bail for health reasons with reference to a cancer history. Our regional correspondent brings us the latest on the trial. There have also been allegations that WHO aid workers sexually assaulted locals in DR Congo during the Ebola crisis. The head of the organization says those involved will be fired…

Election dates released in Somalia as leaders assign clans

MOGADISHU, Somalia - It is now clear that Somalia will hold elections before the end of the year with them for speakers for the House of Representatives and the presidential election scheduled for February 2021, shows a new election calendar released by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and federal heads of state. The agreement comes after months of talks constructed by Somalia's international partners, which after all have not approved the agreement. It required local intervention and lobbying to have states like…

several arrests before a cultural festival in the Oromia region

According to police, more than five people were arrested in the Oromo zone. These arrests come just before the Oromo Ireecha Cultural Festival. Ethiopian authorities say the detainees planned violent action this weekend. Weapons and ammunition were seized during a police operation in Oromia. It is not known if and under what conditions the detainees intended to use it. At the same time, another operation was uncovered, involving the intelligence services, the federal and Amhara region police, but also the federal army.…

Djibouti: wave of controversial arrests in the southwestern part of the country

Djibouti-Dikhil: On the morning of Wednesday, September 30, a dozen people were arrested in Dikhil Prefecture in the southwestern part of the country. Arbitrary arrests against civilians are complicit in the armed movement FRUD (Front for Restoration of Unity and Democracy), according to the Djiboutian League for Human Rights (LDDH). A routine operation meets the flow. LDDH speaks of a gendarmerie strike against innocent civilians. A dozen people were arrested on suspicion of having links to the political-military…

In the spotlight: the cocoa of disagreement

Cocoa at 1000 CFA francs per Kilo and Côte d'Ivoire. One month before the expected date of the presidential election, Alassane Ouattara announces a purchase price for the farm gate for the cocoa bean, which has risen sharply. On the occasion of the launch of the 2020-2021 cocoa campaign, President Alassane Ouattara, who is currently campaigning for a third term, strongly opposed by the opposition, actually announced yesterday, Thursday in Yamoussoukro, the capital of Côte d'Ivoire, a purchase price for plants of 1000 CFA…

Rwandan Kabuga trial: prosecutor Brammertz “hopes it will take place and will come to an end”

When will Félicien Kabuga be tried? France, where the alleged Rwandan genocide was arrested in May, gave the green light on Wednesday to define its surrender to the mechanism of international courts seeking to try him for war crimes and genocide. An important step has been taken, but the road to trial is still long. Serge Brammertz, lawyer for this mechanism, is our guest this morning. .

environmental activist Raleva again faces justice

In Madagascar, civil society is sounding the alarm. Environmental activist Raleva is due to appear this Friday, October 2, for the public prosecution of Mananjary, a town located on the island's east coast. The man took part in a demonstration by local people on September 1 to protest against gold mining in a Chinese company. Environmental associations are concerned about the possible consequences of this call. Environmental activist Raleva is summoned to Friday, October 2, by the National Gendarmerie with three other…

Paul Rusesabagina’s children are asking for international support

From Washington to Brussels, the children mobilize for Paul Rusesabagina, the hero of the film Hotel Rwanda, and call for more international support for their father detained in Kigali. Paul Rusesabagina, who is known to have saved more than 1,200 people during the genocide, now an opponent, is detained since late August in Kigali. He was charged in mid-September with "terrorism, murder and financing of riots". This Friday, 2 October, the Rwandan judiciary is due to rule on a request for bail. His children condemn the…

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