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Revolutionizing Air Travel: Ethiopian Airlines Unveils New State-of-the-Art Terminal, Doubling Passenger Capacity

Visitors take in the sleek new domestic terminal at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 18, 2024. Ethiopian Airlines, the continent's top and quickest expanding carrier, unveiled a Chinese-designed domestic terminal in the capital city over the weekend. (Xinhua/Michael Tewelde) Africa's biggest and fastest-growing airline, Ethiopian Airlines, revealed a newly constructed domestic terminal in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, during a recent ceremony. The airline's latest 50 million-dollar…

start work on the new terminal in Abidjan Harbor

Ivory Coast on Monday launched the construction of a new container terminal in the Port of Abidjan, one of Africa's largest and economic centers, supplying 90% of the country's foreign trade. After refilling of approx. 30 hectares begins a new phase and should last 18 months. It will consist of the installation of superstructures and equipment at the new terminal.…

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