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French withdrawal paves way for talks between

As France prepares to withdraw its forces from Mali, the way may be open for talks between the Malian government and al-Qaeda-linked militants, a process that could bring the West African nation closer to peace. Mali, a landlocked nation of 21 million people, has fought to curb a brutal uprising that erupted in 2012, before spreading to neighboring Burkina Faso and Niger. Thousands of soldiers and civilians have been killed and 2 million people displaced by the Sahel-wide conflict, in which Mali is…

France, EU states withdraw military task force

France and its allies in a European force announced on Thursday that they would begin withdrawing troops from Mali after nearly 10 years of fighting an extremist uprising. A statement signed by France and its African and European allies said that "several obstacles" from the ruling junta meant that the conditions were no longer in place to operate in Mali. The decision concerns both France's Barkhane force in the Sahel and the European force Takuba, which Paris had tried to create together with its…

reactions between enthusiasm and alertness

Following the indictment and the commitments of former Malian Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga, and former Minister of Economy and Finance Bouaré Fily Sissoko, reactions are mixed in Mali. There are those who encourage this transparency effort by the Supreme Court, and those who condemn procedural irregularities, for fear of an instrumentalisation.…

Bah N’Daw and Moctar Ouane no longer live

In Mali, former President of the transition Bah N'Daw and former Prime Minister Moctar Ouane are no longer under house arrest. It is a press release from the local monitoring committee for transitions that was announced on Friday. The announcement was made by the Monitoring Committee for Local Transitions, composed of…

in Mali shares the legal proceedings

In Mali, former Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga and former Minister of Economy Bouaré Fily Sissoko were arrested on Thursday in the case of the presidential plane bought during IBK's presidency. But the handling of the case by the Supreme Court, instead of the Supreme Court, the only one that is theoretically competent to judge the ministers, shares.…

Action against corruption in Mali: against new

Former Mali Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga, as well as a former finance and economics minister, was indicted and arrested by the Supreme Court, particularly over the purchase of the command plane of former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. In this story, as in others, new arrests may be planned. as reported from…

Mali: school on the radio for children outside the school of

The Ségou region, in southern Mali, hosts many displaced families. For its children, Unicef ​​distributed 3,000 solar-powered radios in four regions of the country to provide educational programs to more than 18,000 students, to prevent school dropouts. From our correspondent in Bamako,Eight young girls gathered around Aïssata.…

imprisoned, Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga will answer for five heads

In Mali, former Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga and former Minister of Economy Bouaré Fily Sissoko were arrested this Thursday, August 25. Prosecuted and detained following their summons to the Supreme Court, in connection with two cases dating back to 2014: the purchase of the presidential plane and the military equipment contract, which represents more than 130 billion CFA francs.…

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