Russian mercenary group Wagner endures significant losses.

Wagner Group Admits Significant Losses in Mali Clashes

On Monday, the Wagner mercenary organization conceded that it had endured substantial casualties during recent skirmishes with separatist factions in northeastern Mali.

Mali, a nation grappling with insurgencies for over ten years, sought assistance from Wagner after military leaders seized control in 2020. This request came amidst escalating violence from both terrorists and separatists in the northern regions.

Between July 22 and July 27, Malian forces collaborated with Wagner’s 13th Assault Squad, reportedly engaged in “intense confrontations” against a coalition of Tuareg separatists and militant groups. This information emerged from Razgruzka Vagnera, a Telegram channel associated with Wagner’s command.

During just two days of combat, the separatists escalated their offensive tactics, deploying heavy artillery, drones, and SVBIEDs, or suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. These assaults resulted in significant casualties for both Wagner operatives and Malian soldiers.

The commander of the 13th Assault Squad, Sergei “Prud” Shevchenko, reportedly lost his life during these encounters. His contingent’s poignant farewell conveyed, “Only three of us remain. We shall persevere in our struggle.”

A representative from the CSP-DPA alliance, comprising primarily Tuareg separatists, triumphantly declared a victory against both the Malian military and Wagner forces this past Sunday.

Mali’s military leadership, which took power following a coup, has committed to reclaiming the nation from separatists and terrorists. A primary target remains Kidal, a stronghold for pro-independence sentiments located in the northern part of the country.

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