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Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast: A Literacy Center Aims to Offer More

Empowering Women Through Literacy in Côte d'Ivoire For nearly a quarter-century, the International Association of Women of Côte d'Ivoire (AIFCI) has been lifting women—regardless of age—out of illiteracy. The free center, powered by dedicated volunteers, offers a lifeline in Anoumabo, a bustling neighborhood brimming with people eager to learn. At the heart of Anoumabo's literacy center, life pulses with activity. Women of all ages gather, united by the common goal of learning. Bema Kamagate, a volunteer CP2 teacher,…

Traced by Didier Drogba in Marseille

In addition to the World Cup qualifiers, France, who have already qualified, and Ivory Coast, from the race for several months, meet in a friendly match at the Vélodrome Stadium in Marseille, Didier's former garden Drogba, the legend Elephants and OM, still…

Mamadou Touré: “We have set up a program

How to combat the jihadist threat to the Gulf countries? The question arises emphatically after a series of attacks, incidents or skirmishes, which affected the northern regions of Benin, Togo or Ivory Coast. One of the main issues for the states concerned is…

in Africa, measures to combat the consequences

"Africa bears the full burden of this war in Ukraine," said Macky Sall, the current president of the African Union and president of Senegal. The war in Ukraine causes both an inflation shock, but also a shortage of grain and fertilizers. Its effects are likely to continue throughout the year and seriously affect countries already affected by the pandemic. Several countries have already taken steps to try to limit the consequences.…

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