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Beledweyne Steps Up Security for Ugas Yusuf Ugas Hassan’s Hawadle Clan Inauguration

Beledweyne, the capital of Somalia's Hiraan region, is gearing up to host the inauguration of Ugas Yusuf Ugas Hassan Ugas Khalif, leader of the Hawadle clans, on May 13.The ceremony has attracted a notable influx of dignitaries, including delegates from the Hawadle communities in Somalia's Federal Parliament and Abdullahi Mohamed Ali Sanbaloshe, the head of the National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA). A plethora of participants have also arrived in the city.Nevertheless, the choice of location for the event has…

Prominent Leaders and Tribal Elders Converge in Beledweyne for Ugas Yusuf Ugas Hassan’s Official Swearing-in Celebration

In Beledweyne, the ceremony to swear in Ugas Yusuf Ugaas Hassan Ugaas Khalif, leader of the Hawadle elders, is set for May 13, 2024. The event will draw a large crowd, with attendees such as federal lawmakers, NISA director Abdullahi Mohamed Ali Sanbaloshe, and clan elders descending on the town for the festive occasion. To ensure safety during the event, armed forces maintain a strong presence in Beledweyne's streets due to past attacks by al-Shabab. Situated approximately 300 kilometers north of Mogadishu, Beledweyne has…

Investigation uncovers concerning information about Mohamud Hassan’s passing after being detained by police in Cardiff

In Cardiff, Mohamud Hassan, 24, was found dead under mysterious circumstances after his release from police custody. This led to an inquest uncovering allegations of police misconduct and differing witness testimonies. The inquest, happening at Pontypridd Coroners' Court this week, aims to unravel the events that led to Hassan's death on January 9, 2021. A post-mortem examination found Mr. Hassan's cause of death as "unascertained," as revealed to the jury last week. Hassan's uncle, Sulieman Mohamed, testified during the…

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