Investigation uncovers concerning information about Mohamud Hassan’s passing after being detained by police in Cardiff

In Cardiff, Mohamud Hassan, 24, was found dead under mysterious circumstances after his release from police custody. This led to an inquest uncovering allegations of police misconduct and differing witness testimonies. The inquest, happening at Pontypridd Coroners’ Court this week, aims to unravel the events that led to Hassan’s death on January 9, 2021.

A post-mortem examination found Mr. Hassan’s cause of death as “unascertained,” as revealed to the jury last week. Hassan’s uncle, Sulieman Mohamed, testified during the inquest, describing severe injuries like a cut lip and redness, highlighting Hassan’s “exhausted, frail” state, in need of help.

Mohamed mentioned his nephew’s change from a “bright, smiling lad” to someone “in a state you don’t want to see anyone in” following alleged beatings. He promised to deal with Hassan’s injuries, comforting him with a kiss. Hassan’s aunt, Zainab Hassan, also testified that she urged him to seek medical help but Hassan refused, citing exhaustion concerns.

On the same evening, Mr. Mohamed heard screams from Zainab about Hassan’s condition, leading him to find his collapsed body. Despite attempts at resuscitation by emergency services, Hassan was declared dead at the scene. A toxicology report showed traces of cocaine and cannabis in his blood and urine.

When Mr. Mohamed arrived, he observed paramedics trying to revive Hassan, noticing marks on his chest. Though wanting to photograph the scene, he was advised against it. Witnesses mentioned Hassan being found dead in bed after allegedly going to sleep. Forensic analysis couldn’t determine a medical cause of death.

The jury saw CCTV footage of Hassan leaving the police station and taking a taxi home. PC Samantha Taylor noted no blood on Hassan near the station, but the taxi driver recalled bloodstains on Hassan’s clothes, with Hassan blaming the police for his injuries. Sgt. Russell O’Rourke defended his actions during Hassan’s detention, stating they were justified.

Hassan’s initial arrest was for breaching the peace, leading to his later release without charges. His death raised concerns over his treatment while in custody. Autopsy results showed drugs in his system but didn’t determine their role in his death. The public outcry led to protests demanding accountability from the police.

The refusal to release bodycam footage has angered residents, with the family and community members seeking answers as the ongoing inquest continues to unravel the circumstances surrounding Hassan’s tragic demise.

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