Sudan ‘defends’ Ethiopia towards second filling of Grand Renaissance dam

Sudan ‘defends’ Ethiopia against second fill of Grand Renaissance Dam as Egypt expresses concerns

NAIROBI, Kenya – Khartoum authorities may have changed their minds over controversial Grand Renaissance dam infill [GERD] along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, which could give the conflict a new dimension.

A Sudanese official said on Sunday that no drop in the water level of the Blue Nile had been detected despite Ethiopia starting the second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, despite complaints from Egypt that levels of water along the Nile were falling.

“Since April, the Al-Daim station on the border with Ethiopia has not monitored any drop in the daily level of water from the Ethiopian plateau to Sudan,” said Hamid Mohamed Ali, director of the Sudanese dam. Al-Rusaires, in a statement. .

“Although Ethiopia has started the second filling of the GERD, the daily water quantities are still stable,” he noted.

But Ali stressed that despite Ethiopia starting the second filling of the GERD, a legal and binding agreement should still be signed regarding the filling and operation of the dam. The Nile is an important source of livelihood in northern Africa.

Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia have been in talks for years, under the aegis of the African Union, on technical and legal issues related to the filling and operation of GERD.

On Monday, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed congratulated Ethiopians on the successful completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, saying it is an important step in the country’s quest to generate more electricity.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed reiterated that Ethiopia is in a better position to maintain its resilience in all sectors of engagement. He has been on the fire front pushing for completion of the project which has attracted international attention.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reservoir [GERD] reached a higher water level at the end of the second filling process. Egypt was particularly unhappy with the project.



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