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foods to avoid

Discover 11 Common Foods Infused with Toxic Dyes and Chemicals

The product recommendations in this post are recommendations by the writer and/or expert(s) interviewed and do not contain affiliate links. Meaning: If you use these links to buy something, we will not earn a commission. Manufactured and packaged foods are synonymous with convenience, but this advantage often comes with a price. These same foods are also more likely to contain chemicals and food dyes, some of which may be harmful to your health. Occasionally, enjoying processed foods with some of these ingredients likely…

Discover the Top and Bottom Foods for Managing Acid Reflux: A Comprehensive Guide to Eating Better for Digestive Health

When it comes to exercise, "feeling the burn" is a good thing. When it comes to your esophagus, not so much. Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a common condition that causes acid to splash from the stomach into the esophagus. The result: telltale symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, sour burps, and a burning sensation in the chest and throat. If you experience GERD, you're in good company—it's estimated that 20% of the U.S. population lives with this…

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