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Booliiska Gobaladda Waqooyi oo faah faahin ka bixiyay xadhiga Cismaan Cumar Dool

 Sabti,  Juun, 22, 2024 (AX) - Booliiska Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa Cismaan Cumar Dool oo ka tirsan xisbiga Waddani, oo dhawaan xabsiga loo taxaabay ku eedeeyay qarandumisnimo iyo dagaal oogis.Afhayeen u hadkay booliiska ayaa yidhi "Waxa uu dadwaynaha Gobaladda Waqooyi ku dhiirigalinayay in ay ka horyimaadaan shuruucda iyo kala danbaynta dalkan u dagsan, safarkii ugu danbeeyay waxa uu dadwaynaha ku boorinayay in ay ka dagaalamaan hadii isaga la xidho".Booliiska ayaa soo bandhigay muuqaalo iyo qoraalo uu Dool bulshada ku…

North Western of Somalia Sultan Urges Immediate Release of Activist Osman Omar Dool Amidst Erupting Hargeisa Protests

The Grand Sultan of the Isaaq clan, Sultan Daoud Sultan Mohamed Sultan Abdikadir, has demanded the youth to secure the release of Dool within a day, with dire ramifications if ignored. Abdikadir assured the gathered youths that Dool remains safe and highlighted that those responsible for his detention will face repercussions. Sultan Daoud Sultan Mohamed Sultan Abdikadir was enthroned as the Paramount Chief of North Western of Somalia in 2021, inheriting his position after the passing of his father, Sultan Mohamed Sultan…

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