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Somali Attorney General Indicts 19 Influencers for Inciting Clan-Based Hate on Social Media

Mogadishu (AX) - On Tuesday, the National Attorney General's Office filed charges against 19 social media influencers, summoning them to the Banadir Regional Court for spreading clan-centric slurs and partaking in "improper conduct" online. The Office of the Attorney General claims that these individuals sparked ethnic animosities, jeopardized public safety, fueled malice, and hurled insults, using platforms like TikTok. The office has asked the Banadir Regional Court to promptly commence the trial. The Attorney…

Social Media Crackdown: Somali Influencers Detained for Inciting Tribal Tensions

In Mog, Somali authorities nabbed 21 social media influencers for spreading clan-based insults and causing chaos online. Both men and women were rounded up by the Banadir Regional Police, their mugshots plastered on the Somali Police's Facebook page.These influencers, labeled troublemakers, are stewing in custody as court dates loom, while more troublemakers are on law enforcement's radar for similar charges of "social discrimination."A pal of a detainee, a TikTok pro, spilled to BBC Somali Service that the arrests stemmed…

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