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Mali: Bamako Appellate Court Detains Clément Dembélé

Clément Dembélé's Release Blocked by Bamako Court of Appeal Amidst growing tension, the Bamako Court of Appeal has denied Clément Dembélé's release. The decision, handed down on Tuesday, was confirmed to RFI by Dembélé's close associates on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Dembélé, a prominent figure in civil society known for his fervent battle against corruption, remains behind bars. He was imprisoned back in November 2023 after a social media video surfaced, allegedly featuring him making threats against the interim leader,…

visit by ECOWAS mediator in Bamako

A delegation from ECOWAS is expected this Friday, March 18, 2022 in Bamako. The West African Economic Organization's mediator for Mali, Goodluck Jonathan, will once again try to agree with the transitional authorities on an election timetable for a return to…

promises from Bamako to Nouakchott

After the death, on Malian territory, of Mauritanian citizens, victims of the Malian army, according to Mauritania, a delegation from the Malian junta went to the capital of Mauritania this weekend to try to calm things down.…

Bamako protests against critical comments from

Bamako "protested strongly" on Saturday, July 10, against critical comments against Nigerian President Mohamed Bazoum's coup-led military, saying they were "against friendship and brotherhood" between the two countries. The Nigerian head of state on Friday criticized in Paris the tendency of the colonel in Mali to take power…

how Paris helped Bamako with the file

Malaya Justice issued an international arrest warrant on Monday, July 5, against Karim Keïta, a former deputy and son of ex-president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. He is wanted as part of the investigation into the disappearance of a Malian journalist Birama Touré just over five years ago. For five years, the investigations had really not progressed. The case has accelerated in particular thanks to judicial…

support meetings in Paris and Bamako

He is the only French hostage in the world. French journalist Olivier Dubois was abducted in northern Mali exactly two months ago on Tuesday, June 8, while reporting in Gao, where he planned to interview a leader of the Islam and Muslim Support Group. Support meetings are organized today in Bamako and in Paris, Place de la République.…

Bamako wants to be reassuring towards France

France temporarily suspended joint military operations with Malian forces on Thursday, June 3. The least we can say is that this announcement does not leave indifferent, especially not the junta in power. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielAccording to RFI information, official and / or private initiatives are already…

a suspect arrested in Bamako after the murder of

There are many condemning messages after the execution, on Tuesday 13 April in Bamako, by Sidi Brahimi Ould Sidati, one of the leaders of the ex-uprising. His funeral is scheduled for Friday near Timbuktu. Investigations are underway to reveal the perpetrators. A suspect who tried to travel by plane was arrested on Wednesday at Bamako airport.…

murder in Bamako by CMA leaders,

Sidi Brahim Ould Sidati, the current chair of the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA), died at a clinic in Bamako, Mali. Earlier in the morning, he had been the subject of gunfire outside his home. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielSidi Brahim Ould Sidati was in front of his home in Bamako, early on Tuesday morning, when…

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