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Ethiopia withdraws Addis Ababa Commonplace license amid Tigray battle

NAIROBI, Kenya - Ethiopian authorities on Thursday withdrew Addis Ababa Standard's license, a move widely condemned as a strategy to gag independent media in the conflict-ridden Horn of Africa country. Ethiopia has been embroiled in a deadly internal war for eight months between the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and its partners against the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray otherwise known as the Tigray Defense Forces . Earlier this week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed indicated the possibility of suspending…

Ethiopia permits flights to Tigray, none have but taken off from Addis

Ethiopia allows flights to Tigray, but none have yet taken off from Addis Ababa NAIROBI, Kenya - Authorities in Addis Ababa have said humanitarian flights could take off to the Tigray region, which has been embroiled in a deadly war for eight months, amid concerns from the international community, which is pushing for the restoration of other in the north. The international community had raised…

Addis Ababa minimizes progress from

First response from the Ethiopian government after Tigray's Defense Forces (TDF) takeover of Tigray. In Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his government are minimizing losses. According to him, his troops left Tigray of their own free will and to look at new priorities. as reported from Addis Ababa,Noé Rochet-BodinThe…

Addis Ababa rejects UN warnings

Famine in the warring region of Tigray is spreading to other Ethiopian provinces, the UN Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs warned on Tuesday at a closed door in the Security Council. Famine is now threatening nearly 2.5 million Ethiopians, according to Mark Lowcock. Warnings rejected and condemned by the Ethiopian ambassador to the UN.…

Djibouti assures Addis Ababa of its help regardless of disputes

As preventing continues in Ethiopia, the area is carefully following the battle. Specifically, neighboring international locations, corresponding to Djibouti, which has a border with Ethiopia. Yesterday, Tuesday, Gedu Angardachew, Safety Adviser to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, was obtained by Djibouti President Ismaël Omar Guelleh to debate the difficulty of Tigray. Djibouti who help the…

the Tigrayans involved in the country, especially in Addis Ababa

In Ethiopia, fighting continues in the Tigray region in the absence of independent witnesses. Federal troops are trying to take the region's capital and capture the leaders of the Tigrayan party that controls it, the TPLF. In the other provinces of the federation, and especially in the capital, there is growing concern among Tigrayans about the fear of arrest or ethnic retaliation.…

Addis Ababa’s great anger against Tigray

Fighting continues in Tigray, where the Ethiopian federal army on Wednesday launched an offensive to regain control of the province, which is trying to secede. Part of the army jumped off and joined the Tigrayan forces, which reportedly seized a large arsenal of heavy artillery. On Friday, a new milestone was crossed with air strikes carried out by government forces. A fascist act, the Tigrayan authorities assure Tigray is ready to shoot down any aircraft or helicopter, the TPLF party said yesterday. The party indicates…

start of breach between the authorities of Addis Ababa and the state of Tigray

In Ethiopia, members of the federal parliament have begun announcing the modalities of the gap between the authorities in Addis Ababa and the regional state of Tigray in a state of de facto insurgency. The latter, for his part, no longer considers the government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed "legitimate", given that his term expired on Monday. The Ethiopian federal government will no longer have any interaction with the exercise of the state of Tigray and its various bodies. From now on, he will only have to deal with the…

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