justice initiates a new procedure against

Following the senators’ refusal to hand over former Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo suspected of embezzlement in the case of the Bukanga Lonzo agro-industrial park, the constitutional court prosecutor again spoke to the Senate office. This time in a completely different case where he is suspected of embezzlement. The prosecutor wants to hear him, but Augustin Matata Ponyo asked to answer at the Senate office next Monday. He promises to provide useful explanations.

as reported from Kinshasa, Kamanda wa Kamanda Muzembe

The new act concerns compensation for the victims of Zairianization, these economic measures taken in 1973 and 1974 through which the foreigners had seen their property – loose and fixed – confiscated.

Prior to the failure of these measures, the government changed its mind and in 1977 ordered the victim’s retrocession and compensation. That is when the case turns to malpractice.

According to the prosecutor at the Constitutional Court, when Matata Ponyo was Minister of Finance in 2011, he signed several memorandum of understanding with representatives of alleged victims. After becoming Prime Minister, he will pay them almost $ 111 million and more than £ 27 million in compensation.

The operation was stopped in 2013 by decision of President Joseph Kabila, who then ordered an investigation. But the file remains without follow-up. Justice, which today suspects embezzlement of public funds, intends to resume the case.

The prosecutor asked the Senate office to have Senator Matata Ponyo heard by the Constitutional Court. But the latter prefers to explain himself to the Senate office.


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