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Empowering Garissa: Governor Initiates State-of-the-Art Hospital to Fight Maternal Mortality

At the groundbreaking event for Garissa County Referral Hospital, Governor Nathif Jama revealed plans for a state-of-the-art facility with more than 400 beds. This hospital will cater to Garissa, as well as the entire Northern Kenya region, nearby counties, and even Somalia. Governor Jama shared statistics indicating a significant improvement in maternal mortality rates from 2013 to 2018, crediting devolution for this progress. He expressed confidence that the new hospital will further decrease these numbers upon its…

Green Diplomacy: Somali Foreign Minister Initiates Sustainable Tree Planting Campaign at Ministry Headquarters

In Mogadishu, Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Amb. Ahmed Moallim Fiqi Ahmed, initiated the planting of 2,000 fruit, shade, and flower trees near the Ministry's headquarters. The event was attended by Ministry officials and staff as part of the Somalia Greening Campaign to show their dedication to environmental sustainability and the creation of green spaces. Minister Fiqi stated, "We are planting 2,000 fruit, flower, and shade trees as a part of the Somali Greening Campaign at the Ministry…

QC Initiates Mosque Expansion in Somalia and Pakistan

Qatar Charity (QC) constructed and furnished two mosques in Garuwe, Somalia, and the Charsadda region in Pakistan. The unveiling ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials from both countries. The Taiba Mosque, located in Garoowe, Somalia, was inaugurated in the presence of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Ali Warsame and Abdul Qadir Abdul Tahir Farah. Sheikh Warsame commended QC for its exceptional work in building the mosque to the highest standards. In Pakistan, a Jami Mosque was erected in the Charsadda district of Khyber…

Somalia’s Northeastern State Initiates Revolutionary Green Campaign to Combat Climate Change

Somalia: Northeastern State's 'Green Revolution' Fighting Climate Change In the battle against climate change, Northeastern State state in Somalia is making strides with their 'Green Revolution' initiative. The project aims to combat issues like desertification and floods that plague the region. Abdirahman Mohamad Farole, the State's minister for Environment and Climate Change, is prioritizing environmental preservation and economic growth. His focus includes a tree-planting program and cracking down on plastic bag misuse.…

Benin: The Criet initiates the trial of 42 individuals arrested

The Trial of 42 individuals arrested during the 2021 presidential election violence began yesterday at the Criminal Court of Repression of Offenses (Criet). Those on trial, mainly opposition supporters, all pleaded "not guilty" to the charges against them. The cases of eleven accused were reviewed after the first day of court, with initial prosecution requests.

justice initiates a new procedure against

Following the senators' refusal to hand over former Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo suspected of embezzlement in the case of the Bukanga Lonzo agro-industrial park, the constitutional court prosecutor again spoke to the Senate office. This time in a completely different case where he is suspected of embezzlement. The prosecutor wants to hear him, but Augustin Matata Ponyo asked to answer at the…

the recent president initiates a metamorphosis of

On Tuesday, April 6, the country's new president, Samia Suluhu Hassan, considered it "not good" to ignore the importance of the pandemic. She spoke at the inauguration ceremony for members of her new government in Dar es Salaam. ►Samia Suluhu Hassana took the country's reins in March, after the sudden death of John Magufuli.…

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