Chelsea Oo Werwer Cusub Soo Food-saaray, Saxeexii Ugu

Frank Lampard ayay suurtogal tahay inuu kusii jiro xaaladdii gool-haye xumada ahayd, kaddib markii uu dhaawac soo gaadhay saxeexii cusbaa ee Blues samaysay xagaagan ee Edouard Mendy oo waxyeello kasoo gaadhay kulamadii caalamiga ahaa ee waddankiisa Senegal.Mendy oo xili ciyaareed cajiib ahaa kusoo qaatay Rennes oo uu ka caawiyey in markii ugu horreysay taariikhdeeda ay usoo baxdo tartanka Champions League ayaa waxa uu 22 milyan oo Gini ugu wareegay Chelsea xagaagii tegay, isagoo ahaa saxeexii dhamaystiray dhismaha kooxda ee…

Booliiska Baladweyne oo qabtay Qamri loo waday Muqdisho! –

Taliska Booliiska Magaalada Baladweyne xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegay in ay qabteen Qamri lagu raray mid kamid ah Gawaarida ka dhex shaqeeya Gobollada Hiiraan & Banaadir, isla markaana loo waday Magaalada Muqdisho. Hay’adaha ammaanka ayaa sheegay in Qamrigaan laga keenay dhanka Itoobiya, laguna soo qariyay Xaaqinnada laga sameeyo Baarka si aan loo dareemin ama looga shakin sida ay hadalka u dhigeen. Kontoroolka lagu qabtay Qamrigaan iyo qofkii waday waa Horseed,…

Diyaargarowga Aaska AUN Galayr oo Muqdisho ka socda. –

Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ka socota qaban-qaabada aas loogu sameynayo Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Khaliif Galayr oo shalay ku geeriyooday Magaalada Jigjiga Xarunta Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida. Xubno guddi ah oo Dowladda Federaalka u xilsaartay aaska loo sameynayo AUN Cali Khaliif Galayr ayaa wada qorshaha soo qaadista maydka Marxuumka oo yaalla Jigjiga si loo keeno Muqdisho looguna aaso. Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida ayaa xaqiijiyay in AUN Cali Khaliif la geenayo…

ex-hostages Sophie Pétronin reunited with her son in Mali

Sophie Pétronin, a French aid worker who was the last French hostage in the world, landed in the capital Bamako to have an emotional reunion with her son after being released along with a top Malian politician. Mali announced the release of Frenchwoman Sophie Pétronin, 75, and Malian politician Soumaïla Cisséon on Thursday along…

an opposition platform set up against President Assoumani

In the Comoros, a new "common front of the living forces" is being created, uniting the opposition union and all civil society movements in the archipelago as in the diaspora, condemning a constitutional coup by President Azali Assoumani. With our Moroni correspondent, Anziza M'Changama If he had not amended the Constitution, his mandate would end in a few months to make room for a president from the island of Anjouan in 2021. This is also one of the demands of this common front, which gave a press conference Thursday…

new controversy following a dismissal at Brazzaville CHU

The president of the Intersyndicale du Center hospitalier universitaire (CHU) de Brazzaville, who has long condemned the poor management of the Canadian management of this company, was fired as an agent. A decision poorly digested by his colleagues who demand his recovery and threaten to strike. From our correspondent in Brazzaville, According to the dismissal note signed by the new Director General of the CHU, Denis Bernard Raiche, Victor Bienvenu Kouama is accused in particular of making insulting remarks and making…

40 million more poor in Africa, according to the World Bank

Weighted by the economic downturn from the Covid-19 pandemic, growth in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to fall to -3.3% by 2020, dragging the region into its first economic recession in 25 years, according to the latest regional economic analysis ”, Produced by the World Bank. The pandemic also risks pushing 40 million Africans into extreme poverty and erasing at least five years of progress in the fight against poverty. It is a relaxing figure: 40 million Africans are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, about three…

arrival in Bamako by ex-hostages Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé

Sophie Pétronin and Soumaïla Cissé arrived in Bamako around noon. 22 local time. The aid worker and politician were released after four years and six months in captivity, respectively. When the Malian army plane arrived from Tessalit in Bamako, the joy and relief was enormous among relatives of the ex-hostages. it is the end of an infinite waiting time several days of excitement, four years of ordeal for the French humanitarian family and more than six months of torment for those close to Soumaïla Cisse, the leader of the…

11 Methods for the Finest-Ever Smoothie

Smoothies are extra standard than ever proper now, particularly since you can also make them from the consolation of your individual residence with little greater than a blender and an array of fruit and veggies. However why accept making any outdated smoothie when you can also make the very best smoothie? "The important thing to creating the all time smoothie is one which tastes nice and is definitely nutritious," says registered dietitian Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter…

[Série] Guinea: hope for Internet users with the advent of optical fiber

The continuation of our series dedicated to transformations of the Guinean economy, the country Alpha Condé is very late on the Internet, but this delay can be compensated with the arrival of optical fiber. China has funded the construction of a public fiber optic network, known under the "backbone" of Anglicism. It is now entering the marketing phase. The traffic on the two buried loops over 4400 km,…

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