“Sidaan Doonayo Waxba Uma Socdaan” – Xiddig Chelsea Ah Oo

Daafaca bidix ee kooxda Chelsea ee Emerson Palmieri ayaa shaaca ka qaaday sida uusan ugu qanacsanayn waxa ka socda kooxdaas balse uu taas bedelkeeda wanaag ku dareemo marka uu joogo xulkiisa qaranka Talyaaniga.Emerson ayaan ilaa hadda kulan horyaalka ah u ciyaarin Chelsea isaga oo dookha saddexaad ka ah booskiisa kana dambeeya saxeexa cusub ee Ben Chilwell oo kooxda 50 Milyan oo Pound ku yimid iyo Marcos Alonso.Emerson ayaa lala xidhiidhinayay inuu dib ugu laaban doono horyaalka dalkiisa Talyaaniga oo uu Inter Milan kula…

The previous Somalia president says he returned the stolen public

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A former Somalia president has introduced that he has returned the cash he believes was unjustifiably stolen from the federal government within the newest dramatic assertion that might the nation's struggle in opposition to corruption, which appears to be gaining momentum in latest months after high-profile beliefs. Ali Mahdi Mohammad, 81, mentioned in a uncommon interview that he returned public cash, which he stole from the federal government over 5 a long time in the past on the age of 20, in…

Mesut Ozil Oo Arsenal Ka Helay £8 Milyan Oo Gini Oo

Musut Ozil hal kulanna uma ciyaarin Arsenal muddo dhawr bilood ah, laakiin haddana joogitaankiisu waxa uu dhibaato ku yahay kooxda oo khasaare lacageed kasoo gaadhay.Sida uu qoray wargeyska The Athletic, Ozil ayay Arsenal siisay dhamaadka bishii September lacag gunno ah oo gaadhaysa £8 milyan oo gunno ah, taas oo qayb ka ahayd heshiiskii ay Arsenal la saxeexatay bishii January ee 2018kii ee ay doonayeen inay ku qanciyaan inuu sii joogo Emirates.Kubbad-sameeyaha reer Germany oo sannadkii 2013 ay Arsenal kaga soo iibsatay Real…

many national hostages held in the Sahel along with Westerners

The release of the French hostage, Sophie Pétronin, put the spotlight on Westerners still being held in the Sahel. But next to them, there are also an unknown number of Malian and Sahelin hostages. Hostage participation of premises that are much less mentioned. This week, twenty people were kidnapped in the municipality of Farabougou, in the middle of the country. Nine of them were still selected this Sunday. These hostages, targeting anonymous Malians, are less talked about than Westerners or leading personalities such…

Liverpool Ayuu La Qaaday Premier League, LA Lakers Ayuu

Xiddiga NBA-da ee LeBron James ayaa soo afjaray sannad guulo ah oo uu gacanta ku dhigay wax kasta oo uu u tartamay, waxaana uu kasoo bilaabay guushii horyaalka Premier League ee kooxda uu saamiga ku leeyahay ee Liverpool ay gacanta ku dhigtay, taas  oo uu ku sii xigsiiyey kooxdiisa Los Angeles Lakers oo uu xalay kula guuleystay horyaalka kubadda kolayga Maraykanka NBA-da.LeBron James oo sannadkii hore kusoo biiray LA Lakers oo uu uga soo wareegay Cleveland Cavaliers ayay sannad kaliya ku qaadatay inuu kula guuleysto…

Eritrean president visits Ethiopia one week after host

ADDIS ABABA - Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki has launched into a three-day working go to to neighboring Ethiopia on Monday morning on a visit that comes lower than every week after internet hosting Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as he seeks to strengthen bilateral ties within the Horn of Africa. For the previous two years, Isaias Afwerki has taken the mantle of the older statesman from the area and has usually centered on enhancing commerce ties between the international locations throughout the Horn…

Muxuu Kylian Mbappe Ku Jawaabay Markii La Weydiiyey Inuu

Kylian Mbappé wuxuu haystaa rikoodh gool-dhalinta tartanka Champions League ah oo aanay gaadhin Cristiano Ronaldo iyo Lionel Messi markii ay da’doodu ahayd 21 jirka.Cristiano Ronaldo wax gool ah ma dhalinin intii ay da’diisu ka hoosaysay 21 jirka, laakiin intii ka dambaysay ayuu si layaab leh u shaqeeyey oo uu noqday laacibka taariikhda tartanka Champions League ugu goolasha badan, halka Lionel Messi ayaa dhinaciisa laba gool oo kaliya haystay waqtigii ay da’diisu ahayd inta uu Kylian Mbappe hadda jiro, kaalinta labaadna uu…

Al-Shabaab militants killed in assault at police station in

MOGADISHU, Somalia - At the very least two Al-Shabaab militants had been killed in Jalalaqsi on Saturday night time after an assault on a police station, officers stated within the escalating wave of violence fueled by militants wreaking havoc throughout the nation within the Horn of Africa. Officers stated the militants in dozens attacked a police station within the Somali metropolis, resulting in a fierce shootout with Somali police manning town that lasted for a number of hours, resulting in casualties as a…

“September 2012-kii Koofurta & Bartamaha in ka badan 85%

Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud Madaxweynihii 8-aad ee JFS Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ka hadlay maalinta calanka Soomaaliyeed ee 12-ka Oktoobar oo maanta ku beegan ayaa sheegay dhibaatooyinkii loosoo maray. Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa sheegay in halgan dheer loosoo maray helitaanka calanka Soomaaliya oo maanta laga joogo 66-sano markii lasoo bannaan-bixiyay, isaga oo dib u xusuustay dhacdooyinkii uu waaya-joogga u ahaa. “AUN Halgame Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan…

In the news: the underside of a liberation

After moments of joy and effusion, following the release late last week in Mali of the three Western hostages and opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé, the continent's press is focusing on the underside of transactions on Monday. How many jihadists have been freed in exchange for hostages? Impossible to have an exact number. We're talking about 200 warriors. What is certain is that some of them met last Friday to celebrate their release. "The elements of GSIM, the support group for Islam and Muslims, wereted no time in…

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