the demonstrations against police violence are increasing

Protests against police violence are on the rise in Nigeria. For a week, the country's social network has been mobilized by the hashtag "EndSARS", which calls for the dissolution of the special unit for the suppression of thefts and robberies, accused of serious human rights violations. Online mobilization is impressive and is at the top of the most discussed topics on Twitter globally. But since Thursday, Nigerian youth are also present in the streets. as reported from Lagos, This Saturday, new demonstrations took…

the recent release of hostages calls into question the fate of Colombian sister Gloria

The recent release of hostages in Mali raises hopes that more hostages will be released. Several Malians and six Westerners are still in the hands of the jihadists in the Sahel. Among them is the Colombian nun Gloria Cecilia Argoti, known as "Sister Gloria". The Colombian nun was abducted on February 7, 2017 in Karangasso, in the Sikasso region of southern Mali. She then appears in two videos, including one with French-Swiss Sophie Pétronin, who was released Thursday night. That was in September 2018. Since then, there is…

Henri Konan Bédié appeals to the UN

Thousands of opposition activists and sympathizers gathered on Saturday, October 10, at the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny Stadium in Abidjan for a large rally against Alassane Ouattara's candidacy for a third term and for environmental reform. elections before the October 31 presidential election. as reported from Abidjan, Henri Konan Bédié once again condemned the "violation of the Constitution" and accused Alassane Ouattara in particular of "high treason" and the Constitutional Council of "perjury." "The RHDP's dictatorship…

Thiago Alcantara Oo Ka Hadlay Korona Fayraskii Ku Dhacay –

Laacibka khadka dhexe uga ciyaara Liverpool ee Thiago Alcantara ayaa kasoo baxay xaaladdii karantiilka ahayd ee ugu jiray xanuunka Korona Fayras oo bishii hore ku dhacay.Thiago Alcantara ayaa la geliyey is-go’doomin shaqsi ah markii ay kooxdiisu shaacisay inuu ku dhacay xanuunka halista ah ee dunida ku faafaya markii ay taariikhdu ahayd September 29, xilligaas oo ahayd kulan kaliya markii uu u ciyaaray kooxdiisa.Kubbad-sameeyahan ayaa waxa kale oo ka dambeeyey oo xanuunku ku dhacay Xhaqiri iyo Sadio Mane, taas oo ay ugu sii…

Saddex Ciyaartoy Oo Muhiim Ah Oo Manchester City Ka Maqnaan

Tababare Pep Guardiola ayaan heli doonin adeegga ciyaareed ee saddex ka mid ah laacibiintiisa muhiimka ah marka ay usbuuca dambe garoonka Etihad Stadium kusoo dhoweynayaan garoonka, taas oo kusoo beegantay xilli ay City ku jiro xaalad xun.Manchester City oo labadii ciyaarood ee ugu dambeeyey ee horyaalka aan wax guul ah arag, isla markaana ay Leicester kusoo bahdishay 5-2 ka hor intii aanay Leeds United barbarro 1-1 ah ku qabanin, ayaa waxa uu xili ciyaareedkan cusub ee horyaalka Premier League ugu bilowday xaalad aan…

Hakim Ziyech Oo Iska Soo Baxay Xerada Tababarka Xulka

Hakim Ziyech ayaa iskaga soo tegay xarunta tababarka xulka qaranka Morocco, waxaanu u duulay magaalada London si uu ugu diyaar-garoobo kulanka Chelsea ay kula ballansan tahay Southampton usbuuca dambe.Ziyech oo dhaawac jilibka ahi kasoo gaadhay kulan saaxiibtinimo oo Blues ay la dheeshay Brighton & Hove Albion, ayaan wali nasiib u yeelanin inuu u safto Chelsea kulan Premier League ka tirsan, waxaanu ka qaday kulamadii Brighton, Liverpool, West Ham iyo Crystal Palace.Laacibkan garabka weerarka ayaa muddo kaddib waxa lagu…

Christian Pulisic Oo Ka Hadlay Sharafta Ay Leedahay In No.10

Christian Pulisic ayaa markii ugu horreysay ka hadlay lambarka 10 oo uu xili ciyaareedkan u xidhan doono kooxdiisa Chelsea, kaas oo uu ka dhaxlay laacibka reer Brazil ee Willian oo u wareegay Arsenal.Pulisic oo u dhashay waddanka Maraykanka ayaa xili ciyaareedkiisii u horreeyey waxa uu Chelsea u xidhnaa No.22, laakiin marka uu kasoo laabto dhaawaca uu ku maqan yahay, waxa kulankiisa koowaad ee xili ciyaareedkan uu kula bilaaban doonaa kooxdiisa isaga oo dhabarka ku sita No.10.Laacibkan hore ee Borussia Dortmund oo Chelsea…

Goree Island is reopening its doors after seven months of isolation

Gorée, the historic island off Dakar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, had banned the arrival of non-residents to protect against the coronavirus pandemic. A closure that had stifled the island's economy. This Saturday, October 10, eight boats out of twelve of the Dakar-Gorée line will be restored to the great delight of the people. as reported from Dakar, Camera around their necks, Congolese students stroll through the shady alleys of the island of Gorée. They have been waiting for this…

Tobankii Xiddig Ee Ugu Wanaagsanaa Xulka Qaranka England Oo

Halyeygii Manchester United ee Sir Bobby Charlton ayaa loo magacaabay xiddigii ugu wanaagsanaa ee soo maray taariikhda xulka qaranka England, kaas oo sannadihii uu ciyaaraha ku jiray guulo ku hoggaamiyey waddankiisa.82 jirkan ayaa waqtigiisii waxa uu ku guuleystay abaal-marinta Ballon d’Or, waxaana uu ku suntan yahay taariikhda waddankiisa oo uu baal-dahab ah kaga jiro, waxaana qiimayn la sameeyey uu kaalinta koowaad ka galay toban ciyaartoy oo lagu tilmaamay kuwa ugu fiicnaa Ingiriiska.Charlton waxa waqtigii uu ciyaaraha ku…

Bayern Munich Oo Dalbatay Laf-dhabarta Real Madrid Ee Fede

Bayern Munich oo ku guuleysatay tartanka Champions League, August 28, dhexdana kusii jiidhay Barcelona iyo Olympique Lyonnais ka hor intii aanay finalka isku haleelin PSG oo ay iyagana kaga guuleysteen, ayaa waxay intii uu furnaa suuqa iibka ciyaartoydu ay dalab ka gudbisay laacibka laf-dhabarta u ah Real Madrid ee Fede Valverde oo uu tababare Flick u calmaday inuu qayb ka noqdo dibu-dhiska kooxdiisa iyo inuu sii wadi karo guulaha uu sannadkan gaadhay.Munich oo ogeyn go’aanka xiddigeedii khadka dhexe ee Thiago Alcantara oo…

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