Khabiirada BBC Sport Oo Saadaaliyay Kooxda Xilli

Konton iyo sideed maalmood ka dib markii ay Bayern Munich koobka ku qaaday magaalada Lisbon, Champions League ayaa soo laabanaya caawa.Xilli ciyaareedkii la soo dhaafay, afar kooxood oo lama filaan ah ayaa isagu soo hartay wareegii afar dhamaadka Bayern, PSG, Lyon iyo RB Leipzig.Sidaasi darteed yaa sannadkan ku guuleysan doona koobka? BBC ayaa weydiisatay khabiiradeeda kubada cagta ee Yurub kuwaasoo saadaal ka bixiyay.Andy West oo ka qora kubada cagta Spain ayaa saadaaliyay in Real Madrid ay ku guuleysan doonto Champions…

Ganacsatadda Khaadka Kenya oo ka walaacsan in Suuqooda

Beeraleyda Khaadka ee dalka Kenya ayaa walaac xooggan ka muujiyeen in ay lumiyeen gebi ahaanba suuqoodii ugu waynaa ee Khaadka kaas oo ahaa Soomaalida, kadib markii ay Itoobiya bilowday dhoofinta Khaadka ee Muqdisho. Diyaaradda Ethiopian Airlines ayaa garoonka Aadan Cadde ku soo bandhigtay shixnaddii ugu horreysay ee dalagga ka soo go’a beeraha dalka Itoobiya oo fasax ka haysta xukumadda Muqdisho. Xaaladaan ayaa walaac xoog leh ku abuurtay beeraleyda dalka Kenya, iyadoo la tixgelinayo in ay muddo dheer gacanta ku…

Unai Emery Oo Miino Ku Tuuray PSG & Dareenka Dhabta Ah Ee

Macalinkii hore ee kooxaha Valencia, Sevilla, Paris Saint-Germain iyo Arsenal ee Unai Emery haatana gadh-wadeenka ka ah dhinaca Villarreal ayaa shaaca ka qaaday nooca dareen ee uu Kylian Mbappe oo uu macalin usoo noqday u qabo dhinaca Real Madrid.Unai ayaa si weyn ugu soo raaxaystay kooxda Sevilla, sidoo kale Paris ayuu koobab badan oo gudaha France ah la qaaday balse halka uu madax-xanuunka kasoo qaaday ayaa ahayd Arsenal oo uu heerkii laga filayay gaadhsiin waayay.Haatan markale Emery ayaa ku noqday carriga dalkiisa Spain…

Somalia’s parliament referred to as for a inexperienced mild

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has requested the Nationwide Meeting to provide a nod to the brand new cupboard unveiled by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on Monday night time, 19 October. In a press release, Farmajo Roble praised the formation of a succesful authorities that may work on the implementation of nationwide priorities, together with elections, safety and the combat in opposition to Al-Shabaab. The president referred to as on the cupboard, which is awaiting…

Lous and the Yakuza, Congo on edge – RFI Musique

Lous and The Yakuza released a debut album titled "Gore". © Laura Marie Cieplik The singer of Congolese origin Lous and the Yakuza releases Gore a first album engaged, intoxicating and very autobiographical. When we call Lous and Yakuza, the 24-year-old is on a short break from the set of a "small desk", a short-format concert, for the American national radio NPR. She records pieces from her disc in an…

8 Wholesome Consuming Habits for Males

In keeping with Duke College researchers, about 40% of individuals's on a regular basis motion is characterised by recurring repetition. An instance could be your each day spin by means of the Dunkin' drive-thru for espresso and a Boston Crème. We are inclined to repeat what works and what's handy, say researchers, and sometimes what tastes good. However simply as dangerous habits are fashioned, wholesome ones can, too. For this reason it is essential to set just a few wholesome consuming habits for males that work properly…

Barcelona Oo Ku Dhawaaqday Liiska Kooxdeeda Ee Kulanka

Kooxda Barcelona ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqday liiska xiddigaha kooxdeeda uga qayb qaadanaya kulankooda furitaanka ololaha UEFA Champions League ee 2020-21 markaas oo ay Camp Nou kusoo dhawayn doonaan Ferencravos.Muhiimada koowaad ee Blaugrana ayaa ah inay qaab wanaagsan ku bilaabato tartankaas oo ay iska reebaan ceebtii kasoo gaadhay kulankii ugu dambeeyay ee ay ka ciyaareen markaas oo ay bahdil kala kulmeen Bayern Munich.Liiskan xiddigaha ah ee uu soo xushay tababare Ronald Koeman ayuu wali ka maqan yahay goolhaye Marc…

In model Condiments That Make You Obtain Weight, In accordance with Consultants

The correct condiment can work wonders on a lackluster meal. Nevertheless for individuals who're attempting jazz up that bland grilled hen dinner and you're hoping to remain to your nutritious food regimen, you'll be good to imagine twice sooner than splashing it with any outdated bottle of ranch dressing lurking in your fridge. "Many people don't take into accounts the dietary price of their condiments," says Claudia Hleap, MS, RD, LDN, a registered dietician based totally in Philadelphia. "Of us may be shocked to see…

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