tensions in Western Sahara are worrying in Nouakchott

The bulk and opposition political events represented in parliament say they're frightened concerning the resumption of hostilities close to the nation's northern border between Morocco and the Polisario Entrance. The separatists suspended the one crossroads between Mauritania and Morocco three weeks in the past. The dominion says it has launched an operation to reopen the Guerguerat junction, positioned…

for the government, accusations of secret prisons are “false”

I question this statement, certainly that these are stops controlled by the special services, but which often received prisoners who face a significant threat, therefore they have often visited the International Committee of the Red Cross which would have already reported, so this is not secret prisons. Chérif Mahamat Zene, Chadian Minister of Communications Francois Mazet .

The UN envoy to Somalia is assembly with Qatar’s international affairs

DOHA, Qatar - With just some months to go earlier than the long-awaited elections in Somalia, the election environment continues to create a rift within the nation, a transfer that threatens plans to carry free and truthful polls, which might result in retaliation from members of the worldwide group. On Sunday, UN Particular Consultant for Somalia met with James Swan, prime officers from Qatar, one of many major stakeholders in Somalia's improvement agenda, to debate the present disaster for concern it might have an…

Donald Trump Iyo Kooxda Leeds United Oo Warbaahinta Iskugu

Leeds UNited ayaa baraha bulshada ugu jawaabtay Madaxweynaha muddadiisu sii dhamaanayso ee waddanka Maraykanka ee Donald Trump, kaas oo baraha bulshada ka sameeyey arrin kooxdan la la xidhiidha.Madaxweyne Trump oo weerar ku qaadayay telefishanka Telefishanka FOX NEWS waxa ereyadii qallafsanaa ee uu kusoo xusay (mention-gareeyey) ama tag gareeyey barta Twitterka ee taageerada Leeds United ee “Lifelong Leeds United”, taas oo keentay in kooxduna jawaab degdeg ah oo ku maadaysi ah ay ka bixiso.Leeds United ayaa waxay qoraal ay…

MPS in campaign without his candidate Yacouba Isaac Zida

In view of the presidential election and the legislative election that will take place on November 22, MPS is leading a proximity campaign for Yacouba Isaac Zida in the absence of his candidate. In fact, the former transitional minister is living in exile in Canada. Announced several times in Ouagadougou, he has not yet returned to the country due to an arrest warrant for "abandonment in peacetime and…

Shil sababay Dhaawaca labo ruux oo ka dhacay Gobolka Mudug.

Gaari nuuca xamuulka qaada gaar ahaan (Biijii) (BG) ayaa shil ku galay inta u dhaxeysa Deegaannada Ceel-guula iyo afgaduudle oo katirsan Gobolka Mudug ee Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug. Ceel-guula oo 100 KM dhinaca Koofur Bari uga jiheysan Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug, waxaana marar kala duwan ka dhacay shilalka gaadiidka nuucyadiisa kala duwan. Inta la xaqiijiyay labo ruux oo la socotay Gaariga shilka galay ayaa dhaawac halis ah oo u badan jab soo gaaray, halka…

Somalia’s Senate speaker urges international diplomats to

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The controversy surrounding the number of Somaliland's nomination committee members continues to escalate with Senate Spokesman Abdi Hashi, now calling for United Nations and African Union intervention, within the ultimate twist that might observe the implementation of the settlement earlier than the Somali elections. Somaliland's Nomination Committee workforce is able to maintain elections for the secessionist area with winners anticipated to affix the remainder of Somalia's Senate, though the…

Chelsea Oo Ku Biirtay Dhibbaneyaasha Xiddigaha Ku Waayey

Jamaahiirta Chelsea ayaa ka war helay in saxeexdooda cusub ee Ben Chilwell ay suurtogal tahay inuu in muddo ah garoomada ka maqnaado kaddib dhaawac kasoo gaadhay kualnkii xalay England iyo Belgium ay ku kala baxeen 2-0, taas oo Ingiriisku kaga hadheen tartanka UEFA Nations League.Difaacan bidix ayaa dhowaan kasoo laabtay dhaawac waqti dheer uu ku maqnaa ayaa muddadii uu soo laabtay waxa uu bandhig wanaagsan ka sameeyey garoomada, isagoo 10 ciyaarood oo uu Chelsea u saftay laba gool u dhaliyey, saddex caawimoodna raaciyey,…

the mining sector

For the first time in the Malagasy mining sector, Madagascar representatives of major mining and craft operations, who regularly opposed each other, sat around the same table. The aim: to discuss the way out of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, but also to oppose the reform of the mining law, whose new taxation could plague the already gloomy sector.…

“Murugo Iyo Qalbi-jab Ayaan Ku Dareemay Qaabkii Aan Uga

Weeraryahanka reer Uruguay ee Luis Suarez ayaa dib ugu laabtay ka sheekaynta sidii aan wanaagsanayn ee uu kusoo dhamaaday waayihiisii Barcelona oo xagaagii dhowaa uu si waji xumaan ah uga tegay, kaddib markii ay kooxdaasi go’aamisay inuu iska tago.Luis Suarez waxa uu sheegay inuu dareemay murugo iyo niyad-jab xanuun leh, isla markaana dhabarka loo jeediyey oo loo sheegay in aan la doonayn, balse uu helay koox kale oo uu ka helay soo dhoweyn iyo kalgacal, isla markaana uu ku dareemayo qab.Laacibkan oo waraysi siinayay…

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